What ive done so far: Built a sweet battleship (not sure of its\' exact classification, didn\'t know about the wiki when I built it) along with a smaller support fleet, slaughtered some pirates, and generally showed my singleplayer server who\'s boss.
Why I want to join: I want to get into the social aspect of the game, as running around murdering everything I came across got tiring fast. I also feel like this is a pretty chill group of guys who just want to have fun playing videogames. And also blowing shit up with big guns is pretty cool.
What I will do in/for the faction: I\'m down for whatever you guys need me to take care of, be it scouting, salvaging, etc., but I like to think I\'m pretty good at large ship design/building so I\'d prefer to help there if possible.
Age: 22
Country/State of accommodation: Colorado, United States. I do travel for work a lot so I may be unable to play (never unreachable) for several days at a time FYI.
Skills: Played a lot of Minecraft, KSP, other MMO\'s and shooters, but nothing from any related genre like EVE.
Have you got Skype?: Yes
Have you got Steam?: Yessir
Have you got Teamspeak?: Yup
If none of above, best way we can contact you?: email is
[email protected]
Application for class: Any sort of builder out of combat (ship preferred), in combat doesn\'t matter that much.
I also applied on your website. Look forward to hearing back from you guys.