- Storage areas instead of plexstorage, or in addition to them
- design an area with a block, this area is now a storage area an can be extendet with storage area extension blocks
- if you put stuff in it the area fills with container blocks which have the items in it
- plex storages would then yust be little storage containers with maybe yust 100 item/blocks volume or so
- a purpose for interrior
- you have crew
- you can asign it to stations( what now are the weapons computers) for more efficency in those systems
- if you have some supply of basic needs for them -> more efficency
- Beds
- Cantina
- a second crewmeber asigned to this staion for sharing the work
- FTL in all its forms (various Threads)
- with the extended weapons functionality why not have FTL blocks and some effect blocks to it which change its functionality?
- ftl plus portal effect -> warpgate which i think sould be generateable by ships to... it just cost the hell of power
- ftl plus jump effect -> somekind of jumdrive
- ftl plus subspace mainupation effect -> the classic startrek warpdrive
- ftl yust plain -> the simplest ftl ... it just goes a hell of fast XD
- Advanced AI scripts/scripting (made up this by myself)
- i would love to have the ability to make a NPC captain of a ship i have and then tell him to .. sell produced blocks to a store or do patroling duty or what ever
- with idea 5 -> working drones or workerbees ( the little yellow construction shuttles from startrek)
- Blueprint asigning (various threads plus my own thinkering)
- asign a blueprint to a ship block-> you now can use a constructionbeam to build it up if you have the blocks
- dock the blueprinted core in a docking area which must fit the blueprint -> have a turret with constructionbeam or a builder drone/workerbee shot at it per advanced ai scripting
- someone shot a big hole in your ship and you dont remember what was there? no problem lets the construction/repairbeam do the job, you just need the materials( which it would tell you if there are none)
- asign a blueprint to a construction core -> let the construction beams build up your sifi hous of your dreams, a migty planetary defense cannon or an asteroid base... and have it saved and useable again just like the ships now...
- asign a blueprint to a ship block-> you now can use a constructionbeam to build it up if you have the blocks
- Container usable for trading stuff (my own thinkering)
- with idea 1 we could have a system to take containers from storage areas and deliver it to a other storage area -> combine it with a trading interface and the advanced ai scripting -> awesomeness
- and with that you can have some things like big freighter got cought by little pirate ships -> they shot a hole in the hull and take some fright from the giant storage areas
- Planetary vehicle cores (variuos threads)
- but different types of propulsionblocks
- weel blocks or any type like this ( i am still not shure how to make these in a starmadish way) (and we need a idea how to let them drive in a rough area ...)
- antigrav blocks
- some planelike propulsion blocks -> cant leave athmosphere
- leg like walking block things (lets build AT-AT's )
- combine them at let your imagination fly (or drive) to noone hast iagined before XD
- but different types of propulsionblocks
- Sensors (plus my own thinkering)
- no selection of space objects without sensors
- sensor aray blocks and sensoraray anhancers
- they make a senor area(and enhance them)
- longrange sensors would then be a sensorarray build in a way that the sensor area extends wide in a given direction
- maybe a overpowerlike function which consumes power or a scan object function which gives you then extended information but consumes power ....
- usable interrior blocks (from variuos threads and me)
- Chairs -> connect them to a block and you control the block while sitting in the chair
- Viewscreens -> connect them to a camera( now SD Cockpit) block and see on the viewscreenblock what the camera sees extend the viewscreen with adjacent viewscreenblocks connected to the same camera
- maybe you can switch the asigned camera with somekind of control system( via logic blocks maybe)
- Medstations -> heal yourself and your crewmembers
- a change to how the docking area works now (thats mine)
- the docking area block sould have just a 1x1x1 sized area which you then can extend in the three directions by connecting extension blocks the way it works now. sp we can have smaler docking areas for escape pods
- the docking area fits perfectly with the surrounding blocks -> you can place hull around and fill the docking area with a escape pod and have no gaps between hull and escape pod
- connect effect systems to the docking area
- turret effect-> what now is the turret docking system -> the more effect blocks the more turn range ( turn rate would be affected by the turrets mass)
- catapult effect -> shot escape pods away so there is no bouncing with the ship/ have your ships thrown out like the vipers in battlestar galactica
- docking beam effect -> use the docking area module or the effect computer ( not shure what is better) to fire a docking beam at a ship to pull it into the dockingbay
- POWER (variuos threads)
- solar panels
- fusion reactors (needs somekind of fuel)
- nuclear reactors (fuel)
- warpcores ( matter/antimatter reactors) (fuels(matter AND antimatter)
- zeropoint energy modules
- connect the powerblocks to the blocks which need the power -> have those cool tubes ( maybe have energyrelay blocks for controling AND for not have the tubes go in crazy ways throug your ship)
- balancing (my own thoughts)
- most balancing would be through the price and what it takes to make the blocks ( time/ressources/what ever) but it must be setted through the cubatom system
- Satelites (mine and some suggestions from other threads)
- Satelite Cores or a way to "pin" shipcores in an orbit to planets, asteroids and maybe suns
- with advanced ai scripting and the effect computer system there would be possibilities as:
- Spy Sats -> solar panels and sensor aray which is connected to somekind of a logging block wich is connected to a communication block and sends all detected activities vie a certain channel
- solar sat -> massive solarpanels and a power sending beam targeted on the planet beneath
- some kind of orbital doc with a shuttle system to bring pilots of big ships on the surface
- etc
aaah the endles possibilitys ...
i will extend this list when i have more ideas
Disclaimer: the ideas may or maybe not have parallels with ohter ideas mentioned on this forum... i do not want to say this is all my thinkering, but I took what i found and made it to what i think it is a cool way of doing things without breaking the starmadeish way of handling things
besides somethings are realy from me and i hade written them in the posts relevant to the themes...
and a final thing: my english is not the very best, so i apologize and if you dont understand what i mean, just ask me
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