CLOSED* CONTEST: Default Stations Submission

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    Jun 19, 2014
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    I guess that's why I did the spoiler. But I didn't look correctly, there were three! :) And I just wanted to do some crafting, I thought that salvaging a station was cheating (and after realising that it was also cheaty to build on it because it has it's own power supplies, I left it immediately and went to the nearest "green" planet, and after i realised that there was not one but two pirate stations nearby, I ran for my life being chased by a pirate and visited the next "green" planet where there weren't any pirates, and that's where i found the three cities.

    And now on-topic, or at least sort of:
    Can you believe that in my most recent suggestion someone wanted to change the main spawn station? He/she said that it was boring and should be changed (or something like that). How can someone not be aware of this awesome thread?!!! I have seen stations that seem to defy the basic laws of sanity (they're huge!) and each and every station is amazing, some nicer than others of course, and some are almost certainly going to be winners, but they all are worth looking at. I myself won't be designing a station, since I only ever build practical stuff (my ships never have any decorations, I only use hull to make a room to put the plex storage in and for me to access the core and leave it again without spawning outside of the ship), it doesn't really make sense to try building a station, not to mention the still unsolved crash bug involving dragging items in inventories.


    The Shrink
    Aug 4, 2013
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    I guess that's why I did the spoiler. But I didn't look correctly, there were three! :) And I just wanted to do some crafting, I thought that salvaging a station was cheating (and after realising that it was also cheaty to build on it because it has it's own power supplies, I left it immediately and went to the nearest "green" planet, and after i realised that there was not one but two pirate stations nearby, I ran for my life being chased by a pirate and visited the next "green" planet where there weren't any pirates, and that's where i found the three cities.

    And now on-topic, or at least sort of:
    Can you believe that in my most recent suggestion someone wanted to change the main spawn station? He/she said that it was boring and should be changed (or something like that). How can someone not be aware of this awesome thread?!!! I have seen stations that seem to defy the basic laws of sanity (they're huge!) and each and every station is amazing, some nicer than others of course, and some are almost certainly going to be winners, but they all are worth looking at. I myself won't be designing a station, since I only ever build practical stuff (my ships never have any decorations, I only use hull to make a room to put the plex storage in and for me to access the core and leave it again without spawning outside of the ship), it doesn't really make sense to try building a station, not to mention the still unsolved crash bug involving dragging items in inventories.
    Yea well I still don't think it is cheating. They are there to provide resources, and be put to use. The main role of the abandoned stations are to serve as either a newbie's base or resources for said newbie to build his own design, and they serve as a sight only second to that. This game is much harder on newbies, since in a certain other block-based game, you can easily hack up a single basic mob in the first night, while in StarMade you need to work a lot until you have more options than "Run like hell and pray" if you meet a hostile. You won't be safe anywhere for a good while (lemme remind you how much a faction block costs, which is the pre-requisite for having a faction homebase)

    On-topic: I expected people to put these stations into use even before they get official. After all, it can be done, these can be set to spawn in new sectors already. Still, no one did that as far as I know... A lot of people aren't even reading the forums unless they have a problem and want the community to solve it for them. A lot of them are lazy, and a lot of them are worse than Jon Snow (they really know nothing).
    Jun 19, 2014
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    It doesn't take that long to a a million credits. Build a salvaging ship (with cannon slaves, one on one), salvage an asteroid, buy more salvage beams (and cannons), find a station, salvage it's glass, buy more salvage beams (and cannons). You should now at least have 25 seperate beams, probably a lot more, finish salvaging the station, and you'll have enough to drain a couple of shops completely of their credits.

    Reply to your on-topic:
    I personally am not going to import them yet for two reasons:
    1. It is to much of a hassle currently and
    2. I would like them to be a surprise for when they get implemented.

    One more question: do you know what effect adding more stations to the default folder will have? I hope it will load them in the game randomly too, but I don't know for sure.


    Nov 14, 2013
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    There are 3 stages of crafting for each circuit color, first, you imbue a crystal circuit with a color, and get a (CrystalName) Imbued Circuit, next you craft that into a (CrystalName) Storage Node, then finally you can take those and further craft them into Active (CrystalName) Processor. These final processors are fairly more exspensive to make compared to the basic imbued circuits, particularly when compared to a simple plexlight (in regards to using them for lighting)
    I think we need cheap, purely decorative versions of these... The active processors look excellent, but we shouldn't use them much for obvious reasons... And I won't use them much because people will just steal them... So... Ugh. Same goes for the 100-capsule-crystals.

    (Also, why does everyone keep using euphemisms for "Minecraft?" It doesn't really serve any purpose, comedic or otherwise.)
    Aug 11, 2013
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    Sadly i don't have time to build the station i have in mind to submit to this, i would however like to submit a station i've allready built, just so i've entered :D
    This wasnt built with this competition in mind, but i'd like to submit it as a pirate station. I'll recolour the brown hull red, but i wanted to ask before i update it too much, as this was made entirely of hardened hull, is that too much? I know theres something about using valuable blocks. It's also going to be rather sparse on interior, as im terrible with that.


    Nov 14, 2013
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    Er, how about as an abandoned/neutral station, Cybertooth ? It really has that ancient-high-tech-alien feel to it. But no, I doubt that there's any issue with using hardened hull, save for the fact that normal hull currently looks better (despite that, I still use hardened hull over normal hull, and always will, for everything but floors and interior details) :p
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    Aug 11, 2013
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    One of the reasons i was thinking pirate is because its made out of hardened hull it would be slightly harder to get at beacause of turrets, but if that much hardened hull is fine then i'd actually be way happier going for neutral, i wouldn't have to recolour it either :D


    The Shrink
    Aug 4, 2013
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    Actually Calbiri stated that you shouldn't use much hardened hull because that'd make the station a goldmine.
    Jun 19, 2014
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    Can't he just use smedit to replace the hardened hull with hull? I don't know how it works, but i know it can be done. Maybe someone else could help him?

    Edit: I love the station, if you would manage to replace the hh with sh, it would be really nice as a neutral station, it has this abandoned, rusty, space dusty feel to it, and it works really well.


    Nov 14, 2013
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    Actually Calbiri stated that you shouldn't use much hardened hull because that'd make the station a goldmine.
    Well, I've seen stations in here large enough to be that station's price in regular hull... several times over, not even counting other blocks. So as far as I'm concerned, either he's fine, or a lot of these stations are too much of a "goldmine" to be allowed.
    Jun 21, 2013
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    Dynamic prices aren't complete yet. You are very right about lighting though, it is rubbish.
    If you want a hard survival "mode" you can set personal credits to zero, shop credits to zero and shop refill to zero. You won't be able to use shops anymore. The only problem with that is that you can't build you own space station anymore, so you will have to build on top of an existing station. And don't salvage stations or cities, it ruins your experience. Oh, by the way, cities aren't rare, I just found two on one planet. They should deffinetely fix that + the map issue with planets, in which it displays the plates as seperate planets, resulting in a weird cluster of "planets".
    I agree, I find it a much more enjoyable experience marooning myself on a planet with nothing, and having to build everything from scratch, and never buy anything from shops or salvage any stations.

    IMO, I'd like to see the 'abandoned' stations in game be extremely limited on rare resources, and have the appearance of already being looted by pirates, and all valuable resource already gone. The only stations that should have anything of value are the pirate stations. In the case of shops, they ought to sell high and buy low. Just my opinion of how i'd like the game to play out.
    Jun 15, 2014
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    I think the prices shops charge should be about 10-20% higher then they buy
    Jun 19, 2014
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    Things they should do: limit stock size for the more expensive blocks, like glas and cactus. They also should make all the selling prices lower than the prices are now, and the buy price also should be higher than the prices are now. And hull might not seem that important, but if you get 2 or more different colours of it, you can pretty much drain a shop + a few more.
    Jan 22, 2014
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    Could you please take this discussion where it belongs? I'm here to discuss space stations, not the economy. Seriously.


    Dec 31, 2013
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    Shops should have a shared stock for all types of hulls.
    But I agree on a tighter limit for more expensive blocks - maybe not stock-limit the amount but the total value of blocks.

    I like that you can buy for 95 credits and sell for 105 elsewhere. It works fine in X2-TheTreat if the inventory is limited enough. thus I think 10-20% difference would be too much.

    But please open a discussion for that and keep it out of here

    More on-topic:
    Maybe add self-destruction mechanisms which trigger by salvage cannons to make them less a gold mine :)
    Use docked ship-plates as salvage-armour. and check their dock status + some parts of the other hull with a logic-clock for missing parts.

    I really want to know which blocks have absolutely no ingredients to use them to get weapons, ship cores and other parts where economy should really matter.
    Right now I build my stations only with hull, sand, logic and lights to avoid this issue.
    Mar 30, 2013
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    Could you please take this discussion where it belongs? I'm here to discuss space stations, not the economy. Seriously.
    Hate to say it, but it's kind of an important topic if these are gonna be the default stations. Hardened hull is worth a ton of credits. Maybe it shouldn't be worth so much?
    Jun 19, 2014
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    No, it should be harder to get (so no station spamming with it, sorry). Ships eventually are going to have a hp system, so spamming your ship with hardened hull will make a huge difference...


    Dec 31, 2013
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    Hate to say it, but it's kind of an important topic if these are gonna be the default stations. Hardened hull is worth a ton of credits. Maybe it shouldn't be worth so much?
    Maybe shops should then just not buy that much hull.
    Separate shops to different - one for hulls, one for expensive blocks, one for the rest. Then each station would not have as much credits and you are forced to trade other goods as well.
    Then limit stock to maybe 100-500 hull pieces per type + 10'000 shared stock.

    if you want to keep discussing about shops, click here:
    Jun 15, 2014
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    boiler rooms. self defence for the station other then turrets e.g. heat seeking missiles, light show (with beams) logic
    Has anyone made a station with a computer system using logic
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