Cargo Pod Opinions

    Mar 21, 2015
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    Hey everyone, I was just curious what the rest of you think about the viability of cargo pods in the game now and in later phases.

    I've had an unfinished design for a small 4-pod freighter, and I've stalled designing it multiple times due to design constraints/choices I've already made. It's also hard to want to finish developing it because I keep wondering if it's worth it, or if a fixed cargo system would be more advantageous.

    What do you all think? Do you prefer cargo pods over fixed cargo, or vice-versa? Is it practical to design it that way, or is it better and easier to forego the pods?


    Eldrich Timelord
    Jan 16, 2014
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    Unless your freighter is going to tender actively to as many mining fleets, or manufacturing bases, as it has pods(as in collecting pods from some mining fleet mothership) It's much more viable to make a unified cargo system on the ship. This is assuming that you have a need to move freight of that level. Essentially, unless you're part of a large active faction playing a tender role to them, I don't really see it as a thing you should do, except for cool factor. cool factor is it's own thing.
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    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    I used to have an old "combat utility craft" which consisted of an a main ship body and interchangeable utility modules. I would mount a
    salvager and cargo pod to make it a mining ship. ...or I would swap the salvager for a self-powered forward facing turret and swap the cargo for lateral missile bays, turret bays, fighter bays, docked thrusters and (formerly) docked reactors. Sometimes, I would mount portable colony/outpost structures which I would deploy to a planet.

    Cool factor aside; this was an effective way to create a small multi-purpose craft that could be reconfigured for different roles in less than a minute. With power 2.0 out, some of these options are now obsolete but a few of them still work well.

    The key is moderation. 2-4 specialized interchangeable pods can work fine but unless your a "Space Fedex" delivery driver, or your pods are purposely made of the materials you're delivering, there's really not much point in having (for example) 20 pods just for cargo.
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    Sep 18, 2014
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    They're cool. Nothing else. Everything will always be easier if you don't use them rather than using them.

    They might serve if you have a lot of exchange between factions and players but who plays starmade multiplayer nowadays ?


    Nov 30, 2015
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    Ive used cargo pods a lot in game - though less often as part of a freighter.
    They've been good for void stashes (either as part of a fleet or just with a bobby AI switched on) and for sending supplies to a space near allies without having to go myself (especially on servers where the jump distance was low and the chaindrive lag high).
    Another good use was for newb players on joining a faction - give them a cargo pod they can shove all their starter crap in and whatever they mine for a probationary week.
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    Sep 29, 2014
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    I tried looking into the uses for external cargo bay and didn't find much use with them. Having a single cargo bay is much more useful or have multiple Cargo computers to have more organization of items ( For example a portion for raw materials vs a portion for processed material ). For the cool factor, other then some of the other members have already mentions from a NPC faction standpoint when a ship dies it's cargo pods left behind could be a cool way for a loot system. Matter of fact that would be a neat loot system for npc ships that despawn.


    Dec 31, 2013
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    There are 4 sizes of cargo pods.
    1. Too damn small (about 5x5x5 or smaller):
      • They may carry valuable goods and have self-destruct or jump to discourage thiefs.
    2. Fair enough (rather small, but bigger than 5x5x5 and 2x more inner volume than hull):
      • Often comes with a little thrust and especially an independent value for ownership plus designable interior space so that someone can disguise a combat drone as cargo pod or use the same space/frame for a survival shuttle or something alike.
    3. Large (About 85% can be dedicated to cargo even with coating maybe 2x2x2 of #2):
      • They are especially usefull if they contain a logic-layer to protect the content with a password or to eject them to have a better chance fleeing a deadly combat.
      • They are especially good for storing mostly useless things such as lava or terrain.
    4. Huge (maybe 2x2x2 large containers):
      • They may have a logic-store-module built-in, so that peoples can enter the container and buy things after putting in some valueable trade good as currency.
      • Another use of these containers can be, to make your main hangar dual-use for mercenary missions. Unified cargo module, Fighter hangar, a few Large pods, a store on-ship, maybe an extra cannon when you only have miniature-overdrive-cannon turrets on a freigter or want some only-disabling missiles for a mission, etc.
    5. Blueprint-cheat:
      • Fill blueprints with survival kits and outfit your escape pots with them.
      • Or blueprint a solid cube of whatever you want to store.
    These containers should be standardized. You can ofc. build others, but at least 4 sizes should be common - even in the default SM content to make it officially proposed.

    The reason being, that players can build around these standards rather than have every server propose their own.


    Precentor-Primus, pro-tempore
    Jul 13, 2014
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    I think standardized cargo pods are a great idea.

    - Once upon a time, we discussed having ready-made ships that new players can buy, so that they wouldn't have to be builders if they didn't want to be. Standardized cargo pods would allow them to buy bulk parts for upgrades and bulk survival items for building bases.
    - It would be an easy way for an admin or faction leader to give out "prizes" whether as rewards for missions or for other reasons, such as giving new players a "booster pack" to get them building.
    - It could be used by the game to provide mission rewards.
    - It could be used by the game for more detailed missions, such as intercepting cargo transfers, cargo destruction missions (that don't require total destruction of every little enemy craft), and cargo missions where you are the carrier.
    - It will lead to standardized cargo handling blueprints and fancy rail-based handling designs.
    - The game could embed random cargo pods on random planets, similar to random cities and pyramids, as an exploration enhancement or for recovery/destruction missions.
    - Personally, I'd rather see a small cargo pod spat out of a destroyed cargo block than a "loot cloud".
    - Speaking of loot clouds, the game could spawn cargo pods as rewards for destroyed players, pirates, stations, and other destructables.

    What to avoid:
    Microtransaction Gambling/Random Lootbox cargo pods ( perhaps inevitable, but a guy can dream.... )


    Dec 31, 2013
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    I agree to all of
    I think standardized cargo pods are a great idea.

    - Once upon a time, we discussed having ready-made ships that new players can buy, so that they wouldn't have to be builders if they didn't want to be. Standardized cargo pods would allow them to buy bulk parts for upgrades and bulk survival items for building bases.
    - It would be an easy way for an admin or faction leader to give out "prizes" whether as rewards for missions or for other reasons, such as giving new players a "booster pack" to get them building.
    - It could be used by the game to provide mission rewards.
    - It could be used by the game for more detailed missions, such as intercepting cargo transfers, cargo destruction missions (that don't require total destruction of every little enemy craft), and cargo missions where you are the carrier.
    - It will lead to standardized cargo handling blueprints and fancy rail-based handling designs.
    - The game could embed random cargo pods on random planets, similar to random cities and pyramids, as an exploration enhancement or for recovery/destruction missions.
    - Personally, I'd rather see a small cargo pod spat out of a destroyed cargo block than a "loot cloud".
    - Speaking of loot clouds, the game could spawn cargo pods as rewards for destroyed players, pirates, stations, and other destructables.

    What to avoid:
    Microtransaction Gambling/Random Lootbox cargo pods ( perhaps inevitable, but a guy can dream.... )
    And about:
    - Quoted: Personally, I'd rather see a small cargo pod spat out of a destroyed cargo block than a "loot cloud".
    - Quoted: Speaking of loot clouds, the game could spawn cargo pods as rewards for destroyed players, pirates, stations, and other destructables.
    Loot clouds disappear. Cargo pods work more unified with the ship-tracking system.
    Something is a Cargo-Pot (like a turret is a turret) when it only-extends the cargo-pod blueprint and as long as it's disguised (no weapons or when no weapons can be detected).

    Every size comes in some quality classes: "Basic Container", "Hardened", "Luxus", "Lightweight/Volumetric", "Secret", "Heavy/Massive"

    " Basic Containers": contain basic items, such as survival kits, small-craft (drones/mines/satelites/pre-mixed) ressources, basic (one-type, cheap) bulk-ressources, ...
    " Lightweight/Volumetric": would be the container choice for volumetric content types (more volume, less mass, such as ready-to-fly fighters, decoration and gas-ressources)
    " Hardened": is the right choice for everything expensive or explosive.
    " Secret": is either secret-service, contraband, privacy-protection, may hold nasty surprises (as in traders vs pirates), research secrets, etc.
    " Luxus containers": contain additional living room, a store or other things that only peoples would use (robots don't need it).
    " Heavy/Massive": is only for bulk-terrain or ore.

    All of these could fit in a certain shape and allow for more grouping WHERE cargo is actually stored and how it is protected.
    It also allows RP-meta-decissions like "we need to put heavy containers in the centre for equal mass distribution".

    It is also implausible to randomly-access all materials as if they were teleported when compressing the cargo's mass to the density of neutron-stars. Not all container types may support different material types or random access in their cargo management system.

    Perhaps a cargo computer needs to receive a blueprint of the logic system which to use for cargo handling, so that players can even tweak the UI functionality.
    EDIT: RP may decide to additionally reserve X volume per cosmetic unit and only semi-liquids can fill that place (semi-liquids are all materials that can plausibly easily be separated but are measured, collected and used in volumetric units. Examples: Sand, earth, water, Small fruits, leaves, etc because they can fill small spaces without being broken into a product with different chemical or mechanical properties)
    Last edited:


    Professional Quickfire Hater
    Nov 8, 2017
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    Cargo Pods aren't too practical, but I have some. I can think of some uses for them, like auto-sorting supplies and then sending them to various entities. Also great for RP.


    Dec 31, 2013
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    I know, it's 2 month already.
    Any news on the subject?

    Unless I get told something else, I assume 15x 11y 23z as minimum neccessary content size and add 4 blocks in every direction, but only 2 blocks top/bottom. That makes my container 23x 15y 31z outer size.

    32x 16y 64z may be my biggest small shipyard. That limits containers to about 27x 15y and 63z, but above size is better for also fitting into a compacted-length mobile shipyard when that becomes a thing. Inner width will be 16+ anyway.
    Mar 21, 2015
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    Well, the cargo pods I put on my freighter are: 9x 6y 16z. Not that big, but that was my intention. I mean, I've constructed this much of a cargo pod carrying ship, I might as well finish. Maybe I will make a variant that has hard-built static cargo. Different models for different purposes.
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    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    While I actually like cargo pods, I must admit they don't serve as much of a purpose as they used to, due to load/unload rails.

    So I've decided to try something a 'little' different.

    This is a new drop-ship designed for use with a multi-purpose transport/cruiser I'm building. The idea is to use this unit for deliveries where a much larger ship would have difficulty fitting/landing; such as planetary bases and smaller stations. It has a decent amount of interior space in the "box" section with some units being fitted specifically for cargo hauling.

    Dropship DS-4.jpg
    The ladder in the right picture leads to the pilot's seat and the two pickup rail points are for small RP ground vehicles.
    Little vehicles.jpg

    As fun as this was to make, there are a lot of things that could make this concept better; such as...
    - The ability to remotely pilot a small craft from its parent ship.
    - Ship-based Undeathinators.
    - Better fleet commands and AI ship path-plotting.
    - F***ing SPACE MARINES!!!
    Mar 21, 2015
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    While I actually like cargo pods, I must admit they don't serve as much of a purpose as they used to, due to load/unload rails.

    So I've decided to try something a 'little' different.

    This is a new drop-ship designed for use with a multi-purpose transport/cruiser I'm building. The idea is to use this unit for deliveries where a much larger ship would have difficulty fitting/landing; such as planetary bases and smaller stations. It has a decent amount of interior space in the "box" section with some units being fitted specifically for cargo hauling.

    View attachment 52593
    I like it! It's like you made a ship out of a cargo pod.
    Sep 29, 2014
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    While I actually like cargo pods, I must admit they don't serve as much of a purpose as they used to, due to load/unload rails.

    So I've decided to try something a 'little' different.

    This is a new drop-ship designed for use with a multi-purpose transport/cruiser I'm building. The idea is to use this unit for deliveries where a much larger ship would have difficulty fitting/landing; such as planetary bases and smaller stations. It has a decent amount of interior space in the "box" section with some units being fitted specifically for cargo hauling.

    View attachment 52593
    The ladder in the right picture leads to the pilot's seat and the two pickup rail points are for small RP ground vehicles.
    View attachment 52595

    As fun as this was to make, there are a lot of things that could make this concept better; such as...
    - The ability to remotely pilot a small craft from its parent ship.
    - Ship-based Undeathinators.
    - Better fleet commands and AI ship path-plotting.
    - F***ing SPACE MARINES!!!

    The ship has that Starship troopers feel. Very nice

    I would love to land on the new planets and kill some bugs!

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    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    The ship has that Starship troopers feel. Very nice

    I would love to land on the new planets and kill some bugs!

    That's a sharp eye you have there.

    I borrowed very heavily from these drop-ships and the Cheyenne drop-ship from Aliens. Now I need to make one that can fit my power armor and still fit in the main ship's docking bays.
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