Cannot start dedicated server from starter exe

    Dec 24, 2013
    Reaction score

    When trying to start a dedicated server, nothing at all happens, apart from the launcher disappearing.

    I have tried running as admin, as well as setting up exceptions in the firewall, but to no avail.

    Any help would be appreciated!
    Jul 2, 2013
    Reaction score
    Does the same thing happen when you press start game? Coz I cannot start dedicated server and even start game
    Dec 24, 2013
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    Tried making a few more modifications to firewall, reinstalled, run as admin, still no luck so far.
    Jan 22, 2014
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    What happens when you execute that StarMade-dedicated-server-windows.bat in the StarMade directory?
    Jan 22, 2014
    Reaction score
    Try disabling everthing firewall, antivirus, parenting stuff or whatever could affect networking.
    Since this is most likely not a StarMade issue and since I'm no Windows user, others will have to take over again if this doesn't work. :/
    Nov 25, 2013
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    Did you ever get it to actually work? I still can't get the dedicated server to launch, with or with out the batch file.


    Customer Experience Manager
    Aug 15, 2013
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    • Schine
    • Wired for Logic
    try hamachi
    That is not a sane option, as setting up the broad spread smart router is not a problem at all, if you take your time to understand what happens when someone connects to your computer from the outside. (Internet)

    You only need to tell your router to forward port 4242 to your computer.
    As your router does not know which computer in the LAN is waiting for that connection.

    So it takes 5-30 minutes ONCE to have this error solved forever.
    And never need to use Hamachi again.
    As this has some BIG security risks to your system, unless you can totally guarantee the following:
    - every user in your Hamachi group, is 100% thrustworthy
    - you don't have any shares in your local network, no NAS, no printers
    - the group is pass worded or invite only and the password is strong enough to form a good barrier
    - you set up your personal firewall to see the Hamachi adapter (remember: virtual third party program on your computer working for you, for free... do you really expect it does this without any 'gain' for the company that takes over the connectivity management?) as direct connection to the internet,
    - you should know all ports used by this, and form strict rules to not give your hardware firewall (also known as router) an easy bypass to just jump into your system,
    (and this ON DEVICE LEVEL, not just a program without admin privileges, you made it ADMIN+ level with installing it into your system hardware!)

    And I really have the opinion most people using Hamachi are too lazy to set up the router, and also do not set up the firewall correctly to compensate the big hole in security you have with it running.

    Sure there is a dark-zone, with people that have the router locked, and have to admit the drawbacks of Hamachi, but those know and take the effort to secure the system, those will never run into a problem like the one in this thread.

    So as I still expect this to be a firewall issue, please get a predictable game state or clean/wipe your StarMade/logs directory and try 1-3 times to connect to a server, then zip the whole directory and attach it here.

    - Andy
    Jun 23, 2015
    Reaction score
    So, I know this is a bit old, but here's how I got mine to work past this. Simply, update your java from x86 (32bit version) to the 64 bit version. The error is in the total amount of memory your game will initialize with. By default I think your single player version initializes with 512mb, but for some reason after 1024mb max memory allocation, then the game stops working. Your multiplayer server mode initializes with a max of 1024mb, and crashes. If you go into the .bat file, and put pause at the end of the initializer for the server module, you'll see an error that complains about memory anyways. This is just for testing to see what's bugged however, and should not be done permanently.
    I hope this is the same type of error, and you can fix your game. Good luck, and take care. <3