Cannons are utterly broken, a PSA

    Aug 3, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 7
    Cannons are doing infinite over penetration to most block types, with SINGLE block outputs. Systems and hulls with armor values seem exempt.
    This behavior is present on both 0.202.87 and 0.202.110, however on 0.202.110 cannons with secondaries are doing nothing. Nothing at all*. No damage. Nadda. *There's still recoil though, of course there's still recoil.
    Wake me up when the game works again, thank you, goodnight.


    Feb 10, 2017
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    If you're just shooting basic that's going to turn into swiss cheese. Armour is now intended to be layered. Basic has no armour rating anymore, it just has 400hp. Standard has 4 armour rating and 300hp. Advanced has 15 armour rating and 150hp.
    Basic is just a hp sponge, standard is your goto armour with mid range hp and armour rating, Advanced is 'brittle' high armour rating but low hp.
    You can see the armour rating and depth in the HUD when looking at the armour in build mode. Basic is not 'armour.'

    If you just want to shoot a 'dumb target' try using standard armour instead of basic.
    Better yet try different targets with different layering. ie 2 or 3 layers of standard over an advanced layer...
    Standard is the out layer, advanced on the inside of standard and basic as a damage sponge, outside or inside, up to you.
    Jan 28, 2017
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    I have tested cannons some weeks ago and found that they work as intended. they basically punch through basic armor and get absorbed by advanced armor. Couldnt find unwanted behaviour.
    System and Basic have zero defense value against cannon, they are supposed to be obliterated by it.
    Basic is good vs missile, advanced good against cannon. system is weak against everything.
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    Aug 3, 2013
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    Basic is NOT an HP sponge when it comes to cannons. Single cannon blocks are doing over 40000 damage. Fire a single cannon block at a system brick and nothing will happen. Fire a single cannon at an arbitrariliy large cluster of basic hull and you'll pierce all the way to the other side. Despite having "zero defense value" against cannons, systems are many orders of magnitude harder for cannons to destroy than any non-system, and non-standard/advanced armor block.
    I also just retested cannons with secondaries on 0.202.110 again to reconfirm that, yes there is no hit registered whatsoever. I can't even cause the spawn shop to register aggression no matter how many times I shoot it.
    Jan 28, 2017
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    you are correct. i tested it, and cannon really destroys unlimited basic armour, seems like basic truly has zero defense against it. gonna report it, but dont expect a fix
    Jan 28, 2017
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    looked into it, there is no reason that should happen. basic has 5 times the health values of system blocks, but the cannon doesnt seem to care about that. There is a hotfix that has some downsides which i proposed on the QF github. Up to them to decide on that.


    Eldrich Timelord
    Jan 16, 2014
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    looked into it, there is no reason that should happen. basic has 5 times the health values of system blocks, but the cannon doesnt seem to care about that. There is a hotfix that has some downsides which i proposed on the QF github. Up to them to decide on that.
    heh, Divide by zero error in armor value rears ugly head.

    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    Cannons are doing infinite over penetration to most block types, with SINGLE block outputs. Systems and hulls with armor values seem exempt.
    This behavior is present on both 0.202.87 and 0.202.110, however on 0.202.110 cannons with secondaries are doing nothing. Nothing at all*. No damage. Nadda. *There's still recoil though, of course there's still recoil.
    View attachment 58710
    Wake me up when the game works again, thank you, goodnight.
    I don't know if they ever addressed this but the previous quickfire configs had basic hull and all other non-armor blocks set to
    quite literally
    "0" armor.

    This allows even the smallest cannon array to penetrate like a railgun despite having the damage output of a squirt gun. As such, a cannon with only a single point of damage will cut through all 400HP of a basic hull block and destroy it. well as all other 0-armor blocks behind it until it hits a standard or advanced block. "Oversight" or QF preference; this is NOT functioning as originally intended by Schine.

    To correct the problem, you must go to your "blockconfig.xml" and find all entries for blocks with an "armor value" of "0" and change their values to "1" or higher. Once you do this, all basic hull and non-armor blocks will require (roughly) their amount of HP (anywhere between 10 and 400) in damage to be destroyed. Penetration and armor stacking will then work as originally intended.

    Note: Making these changes will likely make your build incompatible with players using the normal QF config.

    Also, be sure to save a copy of your original file(s) in case you make a mistake.

    Hope this helps.
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