can we link servers?


    The Cake Network Staff Senior button unpusher
    Jun 21, 2013
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    there isnt one. Not with out adding a ridiculous amount of restrictions...

    ... but perhaps if you change the way you are thinking about this, rather than just being able to cross servers, how about think about every linked server as a \"quadrant\", and each one forms a part of a much bigger universe? So instead of invading servers, you invade a quadrant of space, which is what factions are already doing, seizing control of areas of space.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    This is a great idea! but how about make it so that both servers have to agree to connect with each other? that way you wont just have random factions invading your server.
    Sep 13, 2013
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    Then we had only one big server. And I think the transition would be much harder to calculate than wormholes. Where in effect you just logg in again on a specific point in space.


    The Cake Network Staff Senior button unpusher
    Jun 21, 2013
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    I\'m not proposing a way of doing it, I feel it should work the same way as people are saying, using wormholes to access a separate server quadrant, what I am saying is perhaps we are thinking about it incorrectly. don\'t think of them as servers as they are at the moment, separate entities that you can go between, but instead forming a much bigger entity, with each section having advantages or disadvantages, some with better economy, some with higher speeds, some with easier pirates. This would mean that there is no longer the problem of a faction invading a server, as instead they will just be expanding territory to a new part of the universe
    Sep 22, 2013
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    This would be like connecting minecraft servers through an ender portal. Whats the point? All of the pros you have suggested can already happen on a normal server. You just need some tweaks and a good community, what an earth makes you think trading will instantly happen because two servers are connected?.

    And what happens if both admins have to allow you to pass through? youll be stuck in limbo for hours on end untill the admin on the other end lets you through.

    Also it makes no sense to cap ship size, that makes no sense: it should probably be the inverse, small ships being unable to make the jump as they would get shaken apart


    Dec 31, 2013
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    One server has only one speed setting.

    One server has only one price-list for shops.

    One server has only one setting for projectile-speed additive velocity...

    Sure, can be done on one server with some tweaks (I like that too), but here we have also the possibility to reduce lag on players by splitting it over multiple servers.

    But I don\'t think Hard-Core and Creative will ever be connected without disabling most Creative blocks (sell for 0cr, etc) on the Hard-Core.

    We will stick on different server-clouds even with wormholes.

    Would be nice though if 1/2 processing power is distributed equally over players and 1/2 by who demands the most. One player could lag more than another - would give players a reason to fight in performace-saving ships.
    Jul 3, 2013
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    1. Server A needs to be whitelisted on server B and vice versa to allow players to jump between them so as a server owner/host you can only decide what servers that can link to your server.

    2. the host of server A and server B are probaly good friends or the same person so their settings while not 100% the same would still be alike.


    Nov 10, 2013
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    Although I can see your point, you should realize not everyone use the same server. This Idea would allow More players to work together, without having to set up multiple bases across Multiple servers (its not always war and stuff you know :p) Plus would allow for Grander events~

    And there is no \"limbo\" of waiting... my idea of havig both sides agree meant that they would pick a time as well. Say you Apply for warp on Tues, Wedsenday they agree on it to take place on Friday (because of your intenions to warp). It would mean more Forward Planning, plus the other server would have fair warning that \"The big scary Vaygr\" are coming :p

    And the Idea of capping Ship sizes refers to a Pseudo Flame war that I had with Debris on Here (which was deleted) since he was convinced that The Vaygr were Planning to Abuse it and send a dozen Czars through. It would be so much a hard Mass cap, as it would \"What are these ships being used for\", and \"Should we allow this\"