You are wrong I did consider it regen capacity is equivalent to that of power gen capacity if you look at the role it plays. As you so easily pointed out that can be knocked out in short order.GRHayes Ok, first off you're only considering shield regen, and not capacity. Balancing strictly on regen means that battles between different sized ships will HEAVILY favor the larger ship, if not make it outright invincible. That's what would happen if regen and weapons had the same values. Lets face it, combat between ships of identical mass never happen (or it's really really rare), unless it's a tournament or contest. Besides, at the moment it's entirely feasible to have a better shield defense than offense for similar mass ships, if you use CAPACITORS!!! I'll pull out calculations in a few minutes to prove it (I'll make an other post).
Secondly, the reason combat regen is a thing is because it's entirely possible to pull out of combat, regen a bit and come back. It actually favors team based tactics where you rotate with team mates and let your shields recharge while they fight. I agree with Panpiper that it's annoying not knowing what state the shields are in, idk why that was removed.
Thirdly, armor tanking is no joke. Look at the armor and structure HP bars, not the hole you're putting in the enemy ship (even if you penetrate their armor doesn't mean you're doing much damage).
[DOUBLEPOST=1445265396,1445265346][/DOUBLEPOST]I don't remember the specifics of armor tanking, so it'd be great if Lancake could explain them (please). What I do know is that can provide beast mode defense in certain situations and if done properly.
While you said it favors team based play. Those who made the made the decision ignored to facts there is a single player side to this along with ships can't just magically run away without being chanced and since their are caps on the servers and speed it isn't like your chances are good of getting away and combat not continuing. The first thing I am going to do when a see a ship start to turn tail and run is go after it I know just from that it is in a weakened state. It also is more vulnerable because most people build their craft weapons facing forward by the greatest extent. So his back will be facing me and I am going to launch every damn thing up his rear I can and I won't stop.
Battles favoring the larger ship makes sense. That is how things work in the real world the more powerful you are the higher probability you win.
Armor is a joke because the only thing that matters is if structure is reduced to 50% if I can cut through armor as easily as I proved in the one post even with all the effects it does nothing to prevent it. At most it take 2 to 3 times long. So instead of 4 second I spend at max 12 seconds. No matter what the end result is the same.
Right now I don't have to dock just power and shield modules I could purely dock weapons modules that have their own power supply. I can fire them by using an internal link to trigger an transmitter receiver to each of them. If I was to take something like a 96ometer x 100metter x50 meter ship I could put on the order of 98*25 of those inside it. for a firing group of 2450 million or 2.45billion granted I would have to add room for the core and the logic but that is minimal. Then of course some engines and power for them.
I can refire that every 15 seconds.I could make it a double barrel system and fire one every 7 seconds reducing the number of units by 1/3 for 1633 of the units but my fire rate would be 2 times the original amount. If you are wondering that works out to 21.73 million DPS.
I went ahead and made this proof of concept ship below. So I know that at least can work.
Each module is an independently powered system there is nothing preventing us making each one of them 1M power regen. That means it could be cannons or anything each that can use 1Million power a second. Which works out to about 100,ooo DPS unless you are talking damage pulse and it is 200,000 because it only uses 5 power per 1 damage.

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