Can the bug where ai can lock on to radar jammed entities please be fixed?

    Jun 20, 2013
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    To those saying that it's not a bug: Aceface is refering to missile locks, not turrets being able to shoot jammed ships.

    Also this:
    wut? I am indeed referring to ai being able to shoot jammed ships.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1441004033,1441003914][/DOUBLEPOST]Also, people complaining about jamming being OP, now if you scan someone it takes a lot longer to rejam than if turning off / on jammer


    Way gayer than originally thought.
    Jun 29, 2013
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    Ace, I put jamming on every single one of my ships, including the very large ones. If it's not ridiculous and stupid to make missile locks impossible on titans, I don't know what is.

    Jamming in general is fucked up regardless of it having a very short cooldown timer (shorter cooldown on jamming than the missile lock time at any rate), and needs a rebalance. Removing the only advantage any ship might conceivably have against jammed ships is out of the question.
    Dec 5, 2014
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    well, imo lock-on missiles (especially fast flying beam slave missiles) would just be even more overpowered if there wasnt a radar jammer. But i agree, the power costs per block should increase significantly with total mass of a ship. It feels absolutely right if a smaller craft like fighters/bombers/corvettes/frigates has a perma jammer, but on the other hand its ridiculous to have a 2 million block ship being able to radar jam making it impossible to lock-on to it (besides AI turrets).
    The whole cloaker/jammer/scanner thing is far from being balanced atm. An all black ship with a jammer is more or less completely cloaked for a human player, while an AI turret just doesnt care at all and will lock-on and engage on max range o_O This cant be intended gameplay/balance. Basically, a jammer is either super op or literally useless atm.
    Hopefully, after implementing flora/fauna, the devs will balance all the new/old content in the game. Ive been playing this game for years now, but somehow there wasnt a point so far, where the game felt that incomplete as it feels at the moment.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    Maybe azereiah you shouldn't rely entirely on lock ons?


    Building masochist
    Sep 26, 2013
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    aceface so you really mean turrets shooting jammed ships, no matter the weapon? Not just lock-ons?

    If so, sorry but no. Gaining immunity against turrets by expending a bit of extra power would be really broken. It's a jammer, not a cloak.


    Leads the Storm
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    The AI needs to be changed to use the same controls the player does rather than direct input. The problem would vanish outright at that point since the AI wouldn't be much different than a player, just automated.


    Building masochist
    Sep 26, 2013
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    When I said shoot I meant shoot with lock on ability.
    And I was referring to turrets being able to have missile locks even against jammed ships... Sorry if that was unclear


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    An all black ship with a jammer is more or less completely cloaked for a human player
    Sure, if you're in an area with no nebula background. Black hull would make you stand out like a sore thumb in a place with, say, red nebula.
    Dec 5, 2014
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    yeah, that's true. There are indeed systems with a rather bright background (especially the light blue one). It was meant as sort of an example for AI spotting skills :) Though a majority of systems are pretty dark (even those with background), not even talking about void systems or players with deactivated background pictures. Lets say in general - not always - an all dark ship is pretty hard to detect visually for a human player.


    I got N64 problems but a bitch ain't one
    Oct 18, 2013
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    Why not simply try a return to the old cloak and jam power values from before it was changed?
    Jamming was changed to draw way less e/sec per block and I think cloak's power needs were increased by the same amount.
    Let's see, now why was that done?
    Oh yeah, jamming was made way easier to power so people wouldn't get wrecked right away by the missiles in the new weapons system until it got balanced. Lol.


    Definitely not a skywanderers dev
    Apr 25, 2015
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    I mean this kind of stuff isn't funny.
    Yes it is lol
    But okay, it's not right, gives AI missiles a godlike advantage over player fired (that they can lock on so well on an entity covered in undocked stuff is enough). Now its however many months down the line and those missile turrets have a significantly higher range on top of this? Ouch...

    Won't be fixed until AI is reworked though is my bet, or, like, jamming, finally.
    Jan 14, 2016
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    I would hope that line of sight and visual distance would come into effect, otherwise a radar jammer simply becomes a cheaper alternative to a cloaking device. 11km does seem a little far to be able to visually spot a ship though unless it is some multimillion block monstrosity. Usually anything more than 2km away is little more than a speck and without the HUD could look like a star. It is only when that speck seems to be moving would it be potentially detectable.


    Definitely not a skywanderers dev
    Apr 25, 2015
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    Today on GenX i learned a valuable lesson
    A ship with cannon-beam & missile-beam was in a loaded sector, with 2 unloaded sectors between myself and that ship, the ship could lock on with missiles and hit me with cannons from a distance that I couldn't lock on from myself as a player pilot (or obviously even see on nav, it was somewhere between 40-50 kms away), and just ended up in a confusing little AI artillery war, and of course since it was a pirate ship I couldn't scan the ship (but I could scan the player and therefore make a pretty good guess where the shots were coming from if i needed to, this was just some testing)

    I'm sure my turrets had fun, but, I was just kinda turning around to help give them the best firing line into the general direction i thought the ship was.


    Press F to pay respects
    Feb 17, 2015
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    Today on GenX i learned a valuable lesson
    A ship with cannon-beam & missile-beam was in a loaded sector, with 2 unloaded sectors between myself and that ship, the ship could lock on with missiles and hit me with cannons from a distance that I couldn't lock on from myself as a player pilot (or obviously even see on nav, it was somewhere between 40-50 kms away), and just ended up in a confusing little AI artillery war, and of course since it was a pirate ship I couldn't scan the ship (but I could scan the player and therefore make a pretty good guess where the shots were coming from if i needed to, this was just some testing)

    I'm sure my turrets had fun, but, I was just kinda turning around to help give them the best firing line into the general direction i thought the ship was.
    This explains so much of the weird movement my Magnolia had when trying to fight unnamed that one time. The fleet ai was probably targeting your ship a few sectors out while I am trying to regain control while unnamed is sitting above me wondering if I was afk or something. I kept wondering why it was turning to look at an empty patch of space while a bow tie was literally hammering me 50 yards away, now I know it was targeting priority with a really long targeting distances and really piss poor priority.

    So this alsone means any battle within 3 or so sectors of a homebase gives the defenders a home field advantage as turrets and ships will sometimes turn to fire at the invincible entity that is many sectors away and not even on the nav menu. Coolio