Bug blockBehaviourConfig.xml issues


    Dec 31, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Wired for Logic
    • Thinking Positive
    • Legacy Citizen 5
    Stop effect:
    (+) Effect system says: Anti-Gravity
    Notify message (top right screen eedge) says: Movement effect protection
    DefensiveEffectType from Config is: STATUS_ANTI_GRAVITY

    Explosive effect:
    (+) Effect system says: Movement effect protection
    Notify message (top right screen eedge) says: Movement effect protection
    DefensiveEffectType from Config is: STATUS_GRAVITY_EFFECT_IGNORANCE

    Please fix it, Schema.

    Rename it status_gravity_effect_ignorance to enemy_movement_effect_protection to clarify if it is not supposed to nullify planet gravity.

    Why is take off called take off? Take off means that it helps you gaining a minimum speed, not increase the speed again and again (that is called push).

    In the config file, you can enter a power cost per block for defensive effects. It is not per block, but multiplied with the defensive base multiplicator (btw: you multiply with a multiplier. "multiplicator" is DEnglish according to google.translate).

    value = value * Multiplier
    value = value / Factor

    The key "ShieldCapacityPreMul" is very confusing. Better: "ShieldCapacityBlockCountPrePowMultiplier"
    "ShieldRechargeTotalMul" => "ShieldRechargeResultMultiplier"
    If the apreviation is kept, better use multiplier->mult with 4 letters as in UnitCalcMult (for thrusters) to keep consistency :)

    I hope the above list of issues helps to improve the new features.


    Customer Experience Manager
    Aug 15, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Schine
    • Wired for Logic
    The BBC is currently not that good commented,
    we are aware of this, and once all mechanics are settled,
    it will get an overhaul on all comments.

    Most defensive effects are still work in progress,
    nor really balanced out yet.

    The capital variables like STATUS_GRAVITY_EFFECT_IGNORANCE are only placeholders for future icons.

    The 'Take Off' thing was planned to be balanced as aid for a too heavy ship
    to take off from a planet/gravity at high energy cost to limit it to that use,
    without giving it a unfair maneuver boost in a fight.

    ShieldCapPreMult, is confusing, but its to adjust overall shield without having to rebalance all the curves. (It stays in the same relation, but the 'outcoming values' are influenced.

    - Andy