Blitzwing's Guideline to Ship Classifications!


    Madman of the Girders
    Jan 31, 2013
    Reaction score
    Greetings, space-farers! I am Prime Admiral MrFURB of the Blitzwing armada!

    I am here to relay information to all of you. As this galaxy is still a divided one, a common and proper system of spacecraft classification has not been heard of yet! Perhaps creating one is the first step towards seeing a truly galactic civilization!

    I have based this one off of a combination of Eve Online's classification system and the one used by the navies of the majority of English speaking countries. Many thanks to all those who have helped me develop this!

    Light weight-

    • Fighter class: 0.1 - 50 Mass

    Ships under this class are extremely mobile and agile, capable of weaving around obstacles with grace. Usually used for scouting, landing, transport, and skirmishing, fighter class ships can use their zippy and zaggy nature to get into and out of trouble easily!

    • Frigate (Corvette) class: 50.1 - 100 Mass

    Frigates are the most common ships used by todays adventurers and starfarers. Frigates have enough mass to hold a versatile collection of modules and components while still retaining enough of a mobility advantage to outmaneuver larger ships. Frigates are often outfitted as bomber-hunters during fleet operations.

    • Destroyer class: 100.1 - 200 Mass

    Destroyers are usually the mainstray of fleet warfare and make excellent pirate vessels. They are massive enough to hunt down battleships while retaining some slight semblance of mobility. Destroyers are often used to support larger vessels or as the lead vessel of a small fleet. No matter what a battle may bring, a destroyer is sure to have an effect on it.

    Medium weight-

    • Cruiser class: 200.1 - 500 Mass

    While it may not be able to turn as quickly as the light-weight vessels, cruisers do happen to strike a balance between acceleration and firepower. Many cruisers are built to speed up and slow down as fast as a fighter, and deliver as much firepower as possible. Lean and mean is an apt description.

    • Battlecruiser class: 500.1 - 1,500 Mass

    A high-efficiency battlecruiser can puncture the shields of a Calbiri-class vessel if given enough time. They have been a central force of many major fleets, for they aren't expensive enough to warrant tears when they are lost, but are capable of delivering as much firepower as one would need in any situation.

    Heavy weight-

    • Battleship class: 1500.1 - 4,000 Mass

    The battleship is the lowest class of capital vessels... Which isn't saying much! With so much weight behind them, battleships are an expensive investment in both resources and time. They are usually multi-personnel vessels with an array of defensive turrets. To see a battleship not owned by a faction is rare, but there are notable exceptions.

    • Dreadnaught class: 4,000.1 - 10,000 Mass

    When you want to 1-up both your friends and enemies, when you want to anything anything else into any shape at all, when you want to literally blow up a planet... A dreadnaught class vessel is for you. Often the flagship of large factions, to come across a dreadnaught blotting out the sun is to see the culmination of days of work designing, obtaining resources, and building. (Often in secrecy) A lone dreadnaught without support is a harrowing beast to take down, but as the centerpiece of an organized fleet it becomes a nightmare.

    • Titan class: 10,000.1 - 100,000 Mass

    Titans push the limits of what large is. Simple as that.

    • Calbiri class: 100,000.1 -

    How many blocks DO you have?

    It's also good to keep note on a spacecraft's role and add it as part of your classification. I hope this helps everyone keep track of what they are talking about!
    Feb 2, 2013
    Reaction score
    I like this a lot, good work!
    Just a few things I wanna say:
    Corvettes are usually smaller than Frigates, but bigger than fast attack ships (fighters, bombers) according to official Naval designations, and many official \"lores\" of games containing ships of sea and space.
    Within designations should there be a bit more description? EG: Heavy Frigate, Light Battleship, Super Dreadnought. This would be dependant on the weight and how close it is to the boundaries of the weight class. This is probably overcomplicating things, but eh I like being specific.

    I\'ve got a few ideas banging around in my head, I\'ll edit this post later once they form into actual sentances. =D
    Feb 18, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I like it but.... My Super Star Destroyer clocks in at 12,890 mass.... Thats over 100k power cubes stuffed in that thing not including hull weapons the gentlemens club...

    100k+ mass would be like a friggin sector in size I think you should lower that to 30-40k.... Because dont get me wrong challange accepted but jesus man :/
    Jan 1, 2013
    Reaction score
    A solid ship of 100/100/100 would take 1million blocks, that\'s 100k mass, not to mention, any heavy hull would count for 2x the mass of a standard block, titan class is easily reached
    Jan 13, 2013
    Reaction score
    ok, this brings up an interesting building point. there is really no point to building with hardened hull blocks. They add pointless mass as any AMC that can cut through any mild shielding can cut through hardened hulls like a lazer through butter... it seems that a person should only use hardened hull blocks if they think they are turning too fast in combat as it adds so much mass. I would like to see the hardened hull blocks resist AMC as shields can resist missile damage..and yet I keep building with them as its sorta logical...D`oh
    Feb 8, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    i like that :D always used to have problem with star wars ships classification thanks MrFURB
    Jan 1, 2013
    Reaction score
    Might i suggest anyone who manages to assemble and feild a ship massing over a certain amount simply be classified as a \"Godship\" rather than \"small moon\"


    Madman of the Girders
    Jan 31, 2013
    Reaction score
    I agree that a new name is needed, but \'Godship\' doesn\'t sound too official. Needs something that is bigger than big, but also sounds slow and a bit complicated. The first thing that comes to mind is colossus, but that doesn\'t seem to have the ring to it either. Meh, i\'ll sleep on it. Big day tomorrow.
    Jan 1, 2013
    Reaction score
    I like colossus, and leviathan (although I would imagine that one being equivilant to a titan)
    Some further suggestions would be


    Madman of the Girders
    Jan 31, 2013
    Reaction score
    I\'m going with mothership for now, but don\'t feel afraid to continue with the suggestions.
    Apr 14, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    very good job on the guide it was a FUN read

    and now next time i name my ship it will be well done and ready 2 go.
    Mar 30, 2013
    Reaction score
    Surely my 1000 mass freighter isn\'t a battlecruiser freighter just because of it\'s mass.

    I would like if you could append non-combat designations onto the list as well so that people like me, who make civilian oriented ships, can use the same sort of short-hand terms you have outlined here for combat ships.
    Apr 12, 2013
    Reaction score
    for a ship of that magnitude i think it would need 2 names one for a civillian application (colony class perhaps) and one for a millitary designation, and even then you could break the roles down further but just as a general name for the weight class i would go with infinity class. :)
    Apr 19, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    We need weight classifications for ships over Calbiri class.

    (Wierdly like the name even over the sentimental value)

    Cataclysm, Alpha, Class 1,000,000.1 - 5,000,000

    Apocolypse, Omega, Class 5,000,000.1-10,000,000

    Finis, Terminus, Exitus, Omnis, Class 10,000,000+

    I say we need these because my last project was 10K by 4K by 1K and I\'d like to brag with correct designations. :P
    Apr 19, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    We need weight classifications for ships over Calbiri class.

    (Wierdly like the name even over the sentimental value)

    Cataclysm, Alpha, Class 1,000,000.1 - 5,000,000

    Apocolypse, Omega, Class 5,000,000.1-10,000,000

    Finis, Terminus, Exitus, Omnis, Class 10,000,000+

    I say we need these because my last project was 10K by 4K by 1K and I\'d like to brag with correct designations. :P