This threads intention is to share ideas people have for such systems or forming a standard cargo pod.
Ship cargo logic
1. Most ships will have one main storage system connected to most docking rails and dockers.
2. Usually it will be turned on so nothing randomly gets pulled out to somewhere else. Especially for stations.
Reasons for an Unloading system
1. I don't think anyone in a faction really wants to disable pulling on the faction starbase storage.
2. On a normal station you will want to shift stuff off for sale maybe.
Cargo Unloading system
With those 2 assumptions its possible to leave the main storage pulling and use a cargo system to get cargo off the ship.
Connect the main storage to a offloading storage block. How you pull items there is up to you. Then have that offloading storage linked to the rails or dockers involved with the cargo handling system. This will allow you to logically switch the cargo to transfer to a cargo pod by turning the offloading storage off and the cargo pod on which would then pull through the rail dock. You can then logically launch the cargo pod and on the end of the rail turn the cargo pod pull off via wireless link.
Use a matched shoot out to link up with a pickup on the other ship. Needs a gap. The pod can be picked up and unloaded since the pod is not pulling.
Auto-return: If the cargo pod was as a fleet with the cargo sending ship all the receiving ship has to do is eject it and you should be able to return the pod via carrier command. Otherwise you will need a reversed rail system to get the cargo pod back.
Fleet mining system idea
This would allow a 2 fleet mining and transportation system. First fleet is the mining fleet. Dock up the cargo modules set to pull to the mining ships. When fully loaded they are ejected from the mining fleet. The cargo pods are in the second fleet with a cargo vessel near your homebase. It can recall the cargo pods. though it probably can't send them out again.
Universal Cargo Pod (UCP) or Standard Cargo Pod (SCP
For this to work you need a standard cargo pod like there is a standard USD. To form a standard if enough people like the design and enough people start using it then it becomes a usable standard.
If someone is planning on making a standard cargo pod some suggestions include:
1. Requires atleast one wireless link to turn on/off cargo pulling from original ship. Optional a second wireless link tied to logic for a second ship. If there is no second ship connection the wireless switch can be manually set.
2. Wireless links should be on the surface of the pod for easy access.
3. If storage logic is to be used the pod requires 2 storage blocks and that will require 2 dockers. One docker for the onloading ship is linked to the temp storage. The cargo storage pulls from the temp storage and is connected to the offloading docker. This will allow the logic to work with the cargo storage block I think. From this you can output the empty, full and not empty logic view indicator lights and or wireless logic.
4. External skin should be one or two layers think allowing it to be re-decorated to suit ship/station.
5. Any indicators should be visible on most sides but can be removed for decoration as needed.
6. Should include 1 power block and 1 thruster for a very slow carrier recall.
7. If the dockers are flush with the ship then the pickup point has to be fairly close to the shootout as the cargo pod can tumble due to collision on the rail when shooting out.
As long as a universal cargo pod layout is designed then many players can build there own personal cargo systems around it. With the USD for example I have modified it to suit my ship.
Anyone else have any ideas/tips for this or want to try to form a standard.
Ship cargo logic
1. Most ships will have one main storage system connected to most docking rails and dockers.
2. Usually it will be turned on so nothing randomly gets pulled out to somewhere else. Especially for stations.
Reasons for an Unloading system
1. I don't think anyone in a faction really wants to disable pulling on the faction starbase storage.
2. On a normal station you will want to shift stuff off for sale maybe.
Cargo Unloading system
With those 2 assumptions its possible to leave the main storage pulling and use a cargo system to get cargo off the ship.
Connect the main storage to a offloading storage block. How you pull items there is up to you. Then have that offloading storage linked to the rails or dockers involved with the cargo handling system. This will allow you to logically switch the cargo to transfer to a cargo pod by turning the offloading storage off and the cargo pod on which would then pull through the rail dock. You can then logically launch the cargo pod and on the end of the rail turn the cargo pod pull off via wireless link.
Use a matched shoot out to link up with a pickup on the other ship. Needs a gap. The pod can be picked up and unloaded since the pod is not pulling.
Auto-return: If the cargo pod was as a fleet with the cargo sending ship all the receiving ship has to do is eject it and you should be able to return the pod via carrier command. Otherwise you will need a reversed rail system to get the cargo pod back.
Fleet mining system idea
This would allow a 2 fleet mining and transportation system. First fleet is the mining fleet. Dock up the cargo modules set to pull to the mining ships. When fully loaded they are ejected from the mining fleet. The cargo pods are in the second fleet with a cargo vessel near your homebase. It can recall the cargo pods. though it probably can't send them out again.
Universal Cargo Pod (UCP) or Standard Cargo Pod (SCP
For this to work you need a standard cargo pod like there is a standard USD. To form a standard if enough people like the design and enough people start using it then it becomes a usable standard.
If someone is planning on making a standard cargo pod some suggestions include:
1. Requires atleast one wireless link to turn on/off cargo pulling from original ship. Optional a second wireless link tied to logic for a second ship. If there is no second ship connection the wireless switch can be manually set.
2. Wireless links should be on the surface of the pod for easy access.
3. If storage logic is to be used the pod requires 2 storage blocks and that will require 2 dockers. One docker for the onloading ship is linked to the temp storage. The cargo storage pulls from the temp storage and is connected to the offloading docker. This will allow the logic to work with the cargo storage block I think. From this you can output the empty, full and not empty logic view indicator lights and or wireless logic.
4. External skin should be one or two layers think allowing it to be re-decorated to suit ship/station.
5. Any indicators should be visible on most sides but can be removed for decoration as needed.
6. Should include 1 power block and 1 thruster for a very slow carrier recall.
7. If the dockers are flush with the ship then the pickup point has to be fairly close to the shootout as the cargo pod can tumble due to collision on the rail when shooting out.
As long as a universal cargo pod layout is designed then many players can build there own personal cargo systems around it. With the USD for example I have modified it to suit my ship.
Anyone else have any ideas/tips for this or want to try to form a standard.