Automated cargo system/standard pod tips/ideas

    Jul 6, 2013
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    This threads intention is to share ideas people have for such systems or forming a standard cargo pod.

    Ship cargo logic
    1. Most ships will have one main storage system connected to most docking rails and dockers.
    2. Usually it will be turned on so nothing randomly gets pulled out to somewhere else. Especially for stations.

    Reasons for an Unloading system
    1. I don't think anyone in a faction really wants to disable pulling on the faction starbase storage.
    2. On a normal station you will want to shift stuff off for sale maybe.

    Cargo Unloading system
    With those 2 assumptions its possible to leave the main storage pulling and use a cargo system to get cargo off the ship.

    Connect the main storage to a offloading storage block. How you pull items there is up to you. Then have that offloading storage linked to the rails or dockers involved with the cargo handling system. This will allow you to logically switch the cargo to transfer to a cargo pod by turning the offloading storage off and the cargo pod on which would then pull through the rail dock. You can then logically launch the cargo pod and on the end of the rail turn the cargo pod pull off via wireless link.

    Use a matched shoot out to link up with a pickup on the other ship. Needs a gap. The pod can be picked up and unloaded since the pod is not pulling.

    Auto-return: If the cargo pod was as a fleet with the cargo sending ship all the receiving ship has to do is eject it and you should be able to return the pod via carrier command. Otherwise you will need a reversed rail system to get the cargo pod back.

    Fleet mining system idea
    This would allow a 2 fleet mining and transportation system. First fleet is the mining fleet. Dock up the cargo modules set to pull to the mining ships. When fully loaded they are ejected from the mining fleet. The cargo pods are in the second fleet with a cargo vessel near your homebase. It can recall the cargo pods. though it probably can't send them out again.

    Universal Cargo Pod (UCP) or Standard Cargo Pod (SCP
    For this to work you need a standard cargo pod like there is a standard USD. To form a standard if enough people like the design and enough people start using it then it becomes a usable standard.

    If someone is planning on making a standard cargo pod some suggestions include:

    1. Requires atleast one wireless link to turn on/off cargo pulling from original ship. Optional a second wireless link tied to logic for a second ship. If there is no second ship connection the wireless switch can be manually set.

    2. Wireless links should be on the surface of the pod for easy access.

    3. If storage logic is to be used the pod requires 2 storage blocks and that will require 2 dockers. One docker for the onloading ship is linked to the temp storage. The cargo storage pulls from the temp storage and is connected to the offloading docker. This will allow the logic to work with the cargo storage block I think. From this you can output the empty, full and not empty logic view indicator lights and or wireless logic.

    4. External skin should be one or two layers think allowing it to be re-decorated to suit ship/station.

    5. Any indicators should be visible on most sides but can be removed for decoration as needed.

    6. Should include 1 power block and 1 thruster for a very slow carrier recall.

    7. If the dockers are flush with the ship then the pickup point has to be fairly close to the shootout as the cargo pod can tumble due to collision on the rail when shooting out.

    As long as a universal cargo pod layout is designed then many players can build there own personal cargo systems around it. With the USD for example I have modified it to suit my ship.

    Anyone else have any ideas/tips for this or want to try to form a standard.
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    Jun 13, 2016
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    Is there value to cargo pods?

    I feel cargo is more like fluid transports in todays transport world and hence need transfer points, holding tanks and pipes(size of your storage pull eg 100, 1000, 10000 per tick)

    I guess some nice standard designs for routing to cut and paste with info displays and indicator lights etc



    Part-time God
    May 26, 2015
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    I've actually been thinking of this for awhile. A standard Cargo Pod would be excellent.
    Jul 6, 2013
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    I should clarify a bit. Its buried in the wall of text.

    If your just a single person faction then this will probably be useless to you unless you want it for RP or cause it looks cool.

    But I can see a faction with multiple players all docking at a faction homebase requiring something for cargo handling. Otherwise you turn off the pull function on the starbase then god knows which ship or docked entity your cargo got pulled to....

    Without a cargo system you might have to either get into every ship to turn off cargo pulling or undock each ship which is a very unsafe thing to do. Or setup the docks so there is no cargo pulling or only from certain docks....
    Oct 22, 2014
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    I designed something for the mining. It had a pylon/ship system with different kinds of pylons. One was a complete mining ship with cargo transfer capabilities. Other pylon/ships were to carry cargo containers. With a couple pilots, it was a whole mining/transport system. The pilot of the miner could fly up and dock a cargo pod that would pull from the mining ship and could be ejected when full. The second pilot picks up the cargo pods by flying to them and loading(by contact) then docking back to main ship. You could then fly the main ship back for offload while the mining operation continued till fresh pods returned. It did require there to be more than one actual pilot for it to work though.

    Neutrino 2

    Neutron MCT

    They could definitely use a little refinement though. I think that is kind of what you were getting at with the mining thing, but I could be wrong.

    Edit: Oh, and as for cargo pods, I think we could use a standard set. Standardize a set of various size/shape pods, that way you have different ones for different applications, but could standardize a loading/unload system to work with any of them.
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    Jun 9, 2013
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    Could offer a (supposedly) usable system with auto push-pull switch based on what docker the container is docked with.

    ISANTH Cargo Solutions Starter Bundle

    Included: the container; automatic loader-unloader integrated into basic dock; the basic container ship. The pod is powered but not self-propelled, meant to be transferred using dedicated piers and dock. In development: a small pier for smaller stations and ships which cannot accomodate the dock; a large jumpdrive-equipped cargo hauler with the dedicated pier. The dock is designed to be a module to be easily mounted on stations.

    I'm also thinking of accomodating GS-class containers (at least as transportable cargo) and creating 37m long versions of my containers
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    Oct 30, 2015
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    I haven't messed around with any auto-mining tech yet but this is a great idea to get out there. I guess the first place to start is getting some loose standards that people can use to experiment with.

    I would suggest you go for a central rail (lengthwise/Odd-symmetry) standard width and height but allow for different lengths. A good specification would be compatibility for two or three cargo-modules of varying volume to use the same rail-systems (scale-able). Encourage designers to share and compare, maybe have a little contest. I suspect that while trying to create a standardized container you will also be testing the best Cargo-Handling Systems.
    Jun 9, 2013
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    I thought of a tiny bit different type of universal cargo systems. Unificate loading and unloading facilities, and if you need more cargo space just add a container or two. But the pier I've recently completed can be modified to accomodate the containers of different lenths. But they must have a docker on the edge, not in the middle. Mainly cause of automatic unloading procedure. Not sure I can modify that, but at least such docker location simplifies container processing on station, as it allows the usage of 2-dimensional rail systems. And when you have 2 axes you can turn the container into any position you want.

    And if you want to use the same cargo system for different containers, you'd want them to be (at least nearly) the same size, since there can be need to move a container in any of three dimensions, and if they are different length larger containers can get stuck in cargo system's narrow places. And if the narrow place is deep inside the station... Well, there will be a very interesting situation...

    By now we have 3 different working cargo containers: mine (ah, shamelessly self-promoting, yes, yes), GS-91 and some old (but rail-compatible already) cargo container system I can't remember the name of. All of these are equipped with USD, ready to use, rather simple and can be automatically processed, but by different means. Plenty of material to work with.
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    Aug 11, 2013
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    I suggest at the bare minimum people build USD compatible docking points on their cargo containers. Anywhere you can dock a ship, you can dock a container. With a few moments work, you can automatically load/unload cargo.

    To make things really easy, make sure your containers have their own power and thrusters. Then you can dock the cargoship in one spot, and move the container to where it needs to be. No muss, no fuss. And if the containers have their own thrusters, you can set the option in the cargoship to use docked thrusters. Reaaaaaally helps out when you have a full load of cargo.

    If you have room, a line of rail mass enhancers make it so you can dock containers to containers. Handy when you have to store a bunch of containers but only have one spare dock on your station.
    Nov 3, 2013
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    Its possible to have communication between docked entities without the use of wireless blocks. I've made this system and i think i may have even released a prototype to cc. Basically, you use rail collisions to communicate between the entities. So one pin in to turn the storage off/on on the container (so it can pull stuff), and one pin out ( or a few ) to let the main station or ship know the status of the cargo in the container. I think I made a cargo container that used this system as well that was based on the prototype. Now that i think of it, there's also a version of the prototype floating in a universe somewhere that's massively improved and much smaller than the original
    Jun 9, 2013
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    Gas, may I play a bit with your GS-91s? I thought of merging your brilliant containers with my automatic systems, but it will require a slight modification of your containers. Namely the addition of 4 dockers, 4 activators and some logic. If yes, I'm closing my Isanth Cargo Solutions and start developing a new line of cargo ships using the experience I got from Isanth VI Cargo and all the support stuff and your modified 25m container as a primary cargo module.
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    Jan 14, 2016
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    I would like to be able to save and maybe even share auto pull settings. Whenever I set up a new cargo system I tend to repeat what I have done dozens of times before and sometimes it can be quite time consuming!

    A cargo pod system that is compatible with USD seems to be reasonable. I have had "blank" USD ports on a station before for just this purpose.

    Another idea would be to have a UCD (Universal Cargo Dock) for want of a better term that would allow cargo pods ONLY to dock at them. Maybe a socket arrangement that would prevent ships from docking.


    Aug 11, 2013
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    Gas, may I play a bit with your GS-91s? I thought of merging your brilliant containers with my automatic systems, but it will require a slight modification of your containers. Namely the addition of 4 dockers, 4 activators and some logic. If yes, I'm closing my Isanth Cargo Solutions and start developing a new line of cargo ships using the experience I got from Isanth VI Cargo and all the support stuff and your modified 25m container as a primary cargo module.
    Sure, feel free to modify them and distribute them with your stuff. :) Glad they can serve you.

    EDIT: Also, I'd love to see what you end up doing them. I may steal your ideas though! ;)
    I would like to be able to save and maybe even share auto pull settings. Whenever I set up a new cargo system I tend to repeat what I have done dozens of times before and sometimes it can be quite time consuming!

    A cargo pod system that is compatible with USD seems to be reasonable. I have had "blank" USD ports on a station before for just this purpose.

    Another idea would be to have a UCD (Universal Cargo Dock) for want of a better term that would allow cargo pods ONLY to dock at them. Maybe a socket arrangement that would prevent ships from docking.
    I don't think you need to have a system to specifically exclude ships. Just build "blank" or "solid" USDs where you want cargo to go. My stations tend to be cylindrical with rings, and I use the cylinders as docking points for my cargo containers.
    Jun 9, 2013
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    Sure, feel free to modify them and distribute them with your stuff. :) Glad they can serve you.

    EDIT: Also, I'd love to see what you end up doing them. I may steal your ideas though! ;)
    Well, if you steal them, I won't need to modify the following GS-91 cargo modules to fit with my systems xD

    Actually, I've already modified the red GW container to fit the autoloader system. The modernisation was really simple: good-bye 12 black hull, 1 capacitor and 1 thruster, hello 4 new docking hooks and cargo pull auto-switcher. Now I just need to recolor the edges to make the new components less noticeable.
    Also, container playing a power cell role is a really good idea. I had a tiny amount of power on mine, too, but not even noticeable in total ship power levels xD

    Attaching a modified GW-91 and a screen of the switcher. Both activators are connected to OR gate (the unloading one via NOT gate) The OR gate is connected to the storage module. And the storage module is connected to both lower dockers. Upper dockers are for transportation.

    Whoops, seems you got my spacebike as a bonus... xD


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    Jul 1, 2013
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    Been thinking about this for a long time, actually, and had a standard container for use on my vessels already that fits in my small shuttle docks. However, it's heavily out of date. Never used it for much since I just dock the ships directly, though.

    USD ports that go nowhere seems good to me, it's what I've been using anyway.
    Sep 23, 2016
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    Funny story, something remarkably similar to this convinced me to start playing starmade a second time (I had actually played it for a few weeks, a looong time ago, probably about three years? I don't remember.)

    It was an interesting system.The entire server used the pods it seemed like. and the youtuber in question had a station that could automatically dock and undock the pods from his ships, it was really cool. I'll link the vid at the bottom.

    I'm stilla relatively new player, so I probably wont be much help with this, but I'll experiment a bit with this. It seems like a really fun project.



    Oct 30, 2015
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    I would like to be able to save and maybe even share auto pull settings. Whenever I set up a new cargo system I tend to repeat what I have done dozens of times before and sometimes it can be quite time consuming!
    Yes!. For the tenth time yes....please for the love of.....can we save our damn pull-filters so we don't have to keep repeating the same tedious procedures over and over again, even though we did them yesterday, and last week, and a month ago and....:mad:(pant, pant------breathe) :(.
    Jan 14, 2016
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    Funny story, something remarkably similar to this convinced me to start playing starmade a second time (I had actually played it for a few weeks, a looong time ago, probably about three years? I don't remember.)

    It was an interesting system.The entire server used the pods it seemed like. and the youtuber in question had a station that could automatically dock and undock the pods from his ships, it was really cool. I'll link the vid at the bottom.

    I'm stilla relatively new player, so I probably wont be much help with this, but I'll experiment a bit with this. It seems like a really fun project.

    Lenscap has done some amazing work with these cargo pods! I have built these myself and some static versions on space stations.

    Before the asteroid update, my mining drone operations were carried out with a 5x5x5 drone. To compliment these I had a cargo variant and even worked on a special dock in the hope that one day we would be able to use fleet commands to be able to undock from a distant space station (or ship), fly to another and then issue a docking command to dock with a station/ship at the destination.

    I even loaded one up, used fleet commands to send it to an allied station where it was retrieved and unloaded, once unloaded it was ejected from the station and I used fleet commands to return it back to the home station. Obviously retrieval at both ends was a manual process as was launch.

    I have seen elsewhere talk of a basic scripting process where such operations could be automated. These flight plans could be loaded into the ship core and then executed, so in the above case...

    1. Activate storage pull 1 for n seconds.
    2. Undock.
    3. Move to waypoint 1.
    4. Dock at docking point A1 (being able to name docks would be beneficial here)
    5. Make sure autopull is off.
    6. Hold position for n seconds.
    7. Activate storage pull 2 for n seconds.
    8. Undock.
    9. Move to waypoint 2.
    10. Dock at docking point B3.
    11. Make sure autopull is off.
    12. End process.

    You could have it repeat every so often or activate on certain signals like a full storage or the like. Fully automated and physical cargo transfer system.
    Jun 9, 2013
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    Ok, my first baby - the Leonov class. Tomorrow on CC, but you can pre-order it now. Comes with 2 GW-91 containers modified to work with autoloader pier (still need to modify the pier itself to fit GW-91, but the concept is already working). Also can be loaded with basic GW-91 crates but without any autoloader functionality (the USDs do not work with my autoloader... Yet). There are 2 variants of GW-91 Auto in the package, too - red and green ones.


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