Are we alone in this space?

    Jun 9, 2012
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    I've been pondering some ideas so the player wouldn't be so lonely.
    -Alien threats! The idea of exploring different station and planets(in the future) sounds cool but if it's all empty whats the point.
    -A Big prize. For exploring into space stations and planets. maybe a power core that can only be found or a really powerful weapon block hidden inside a planet(prometheus engineers tech!).
    -Vehicle cores. it would be kinda cool to have a seperate land based vehicle core. THis could be used on planets or in giant spcae staions. The difference between this and a reguler core is the fact that it's always effected by gravity.
    -Player weapons. If there is something inside a space station that i want like extra rare materials, ice, or even a ship there has to be something protecting it that doesn't want me there so i need to take it down. Guns would also be cool for inside space stations fights.


    Cat God
    Feb 17, 2012
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    • Schine

    • Alien threats: There will be random AI protecting space stations in systems other than your home system. I'm currently implementing the first expansion of systems. hopefully it will be done in a few days. Then you can for the first time fly to other systems. they will be spread quite far apart, but there will be some kind of FTL drive that makes you move faster between them. Also jump gates are planned

    • A Big prize: That goes along with the expansion and alien thread. It was part of my original plan to put in loot at randomly generated space stations. But for that, I need to get the expansion to work first.

    • Vehicle cores: Actually, you called a (kind of) secret feature of mine, that I'm doing parallel to the expansion implementation. So there is not much point in hiding it ;) there will be ground vehicles in the game. I figured it might be a lot of fun to drive around your station or on a planet. There are still a few features, that would have to be implemented along with that, like wedges.

    • Player weapons: I already though about that, and it makes a lo of sense. Since I would make it so you can't just blow up a station to get its look (well you could but you would be in danger of blowing up the loot with it), there should be some kind of ground battle mechanics. Don't expect that to be as fluid as a real first person shooter though, because the game needs that kind of resources elsewhere. I'll do my best to make it as good as possible though.
    Jun 10, 2013
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    Im glad I read this thread I was wondering also about handheld weapons as it could be very interesting if someone tried to take over your planet for example XD.
    Dec 30, 2012
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    • Legacy Citizen 4
    Hey, Necroposters or not, Schema is still actively working on this, and he\'s doing great ^^
    Jun 7, 2013
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    I ilke the idea, but regarding player weapons one, tiny, important suggestion - no matter what kind of rifle player is using, please make sure that they\'re still noticeably of weaker caliber than even small ship cannons. I mean, I want to be able, should I be hard-pressed, to get through some thin hull or plexiglass but I hope that no matter what you\'ll shoot, it\'ll deal flat no damage to proper, reinforced, shield-protected hull, unless you\'ll also get something like anti-materiel (not a typo, google it up) rifles or handheld missile launchers - but those too should be of level below even average ship counterpart, for use against smaller and weaker ships in last ditch scenarios.

    In short, player character weapons are good but they should be restricted almost exclusively to fighting character sized enemies.

    And yeah, I know the thread is old. But someone necro\'ed it, so I can as well use the occasion to share a thought.
    Jun 19, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    • Alien threats: There will be random AI protecting space stations in systems other than your home system. I\'m currently implementing the first expansion of systems. hopefully it will be done in a few days. Then you can for the first time fly to other systems. they will be spread quite far apart, but there will be some kind of FTL drive that makes you move faster between them. Also jump gates are planned.
    • Something that would be very cool is while theres going to be warp gates existing(YAY!!) It would be cool to find pockets of electric fields where you can build you own and create it with a new type of lock, and be sent into an unknown glalaxy, and to return you\'d have to mark the place where your at(Custom markers at specific points would be cool) spot where the gate landed you, buy some supplies and build another one, or eveen bring such supplies with you. Even have the portals without two gates send you off a little bit by a sector or two, to make you have to find it again :D
    Jun 26, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    it would be pretty fantastic if there were more mobs out there. Having a similar generation method for testificate villages (Minecraft) spawing on specific \'habitable\' planets.

    I would definately love to see some boarding action, so a player weapons addition would be fantastic. Instead of blowing up your foes ship, how about blasting your way through tight corridors to the bridge in shoot out action. (Currently building a giant cruiser, I would love to see players not only battling in space, but through the ship as well :D.)
    Jun 29, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I\'m really excited that you\'re developing mob NPC\'s, it would really enhance the space-exploration experience!

    I would love to see planets have life from different evolutionary stages, some planets could have space-faring inhabitants, while others have indegenous tribes or just creatures. It would make every planet even more of a surprise.

    Great work so far!
    Jun 22, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    i love the stargates, they would be awsome to use and as an estetic. as for mobs, the current player model should be replaced with a more human looking one(different from minecraft of course). there should be slung weapons on the hips or back when a weapon is in the inventory and should be unslung when equiped. contact with the feet and the groumd is also very important. as for player to player/npc combat, it should have fist person elements incorperated into it. the full on fps combat system isnt nessesary but parts of it are. a wide range of weapons is also very important.

    on to aliens.

    the alien should have no limitations as to design. it could be a floating blimp like creature or a turtle or anything, i hope to see a lot of variety in the style. some should be savage and animal lie while others should be abstract, humaniods shou;d also be present in the game and should be abord space stations.


    the current planets are intereting and enjoyable, but more sizes and types should be added along with one very important detail, rings. the ringged planets have always looked the coolest and should not be left out.they could have a space station burried in them with loot specific to it. makeing ringged planets not only cool but valuable. as for the planets size, and increased size would imply a stronger gravity feild. this would be a challenge for the wealthy player who is vertually unaffected by planet gravity due to their powerful ship. planets such as these could harbor very large creatures. this would add to the overall content of the game and make gameplay more fun. i hope the dev team reads this and uses some of my ideas.
    Jun 26, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    This is the necromancer: