April 2015 Build Challenge


    Cmdr Deathmark
    May 29, 2013
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    OK everybody! These are the challenges. One every day for the month. Released one a day. So check back here. If you participate please make a shipyard thread with your completed or even WIP productions. Good luck!

    There really is no reward. Except maybe some bragging rights. Sorry.

    Tips for participants:
    - Use offline SP or a build server where you'll have easy access to all the resources you need.
    - Try to build in the Release version. For our Steam users that means both the paid and demo versions will work excellently. For DEV users we'ed recommend you create a new folder and have the launcher switched to REL and pointing to the new directory to get a fresh install.
    - Reusing old ship designs can short cut a lot of the challenges. Just make sure you have permission to use the ship or use your own.
    - We're starting simple and getting progressively more complex. Reusing what you learn from the previous challenges is strongly recommended.
    - Work in a group. It's not only more fun but you learn from one another.
    - Some of these challenges have mass limits; Others do not. So take it slow and easy. They'll be a chance to catch up.
    - Feel free to skip a week if its scope doesn't fit with your build style. You can always catch up if you change your mind. Or you can use the extra time to finish a WIP build.
    - These are just challenges. If you decide to take the idea in a different direction it's completely understandable.
    - Keep feedback constructive. Not only for the challenges but also for the results produced by each builder.

    The challenges:

    [Single Dock Week]
    Wed 1st: PDT (Anti missile turret or Point Defense Turret)
    - I know a lot of folks have something similar already but try to shrink it down to a single dock and make it look as nice and distinct as possible!

    Thurs 2nd: Cherry Picker. (Salvager meant to collect specific resources)
    - It just needs a few beams and a highly suggested 100% refire rate (use cannons as slave) to gather small clusters of resources while leaving the asteroid mostly intact.

    Fri 3rd: Pretty Pretty Drone. (Regardless of stats if has to look good and have functional weapons and shielding)
    - This one is tough. Making anything that small look good is a tough sell. Good luck!

    Sat 4th: Cargo Drop Pod. (Well made and useful cargo container that can be left in space for pickup)
    - Couldn't be simpler. An attractive-ish functional cargo pod with enough plex storage on board to hold the requested amount of any one block type and just enough power and shields to survive a stray cannon bolt. Because accidents happen.

    Sun 5th: Cloaking Manned Probe. (Recon probe which must cloak for at least 15 seconds)
    - Now we get to a tough one. Meant to be unmanned; since it's not possible just yet let's go with manned. It needs to be able to stay hidden from the moment it enters cannon range to egress. Get close, cloak, take a look around, then get the heck out of dodge.

    Mon 6th: Docked Reactor. (Greatest efficiency with bonuses for aesthetics and turret docks)
    - This isn't a big deal. But making it look good would be pretty sweet. The additional turret docks can have a lot of uses. But we'll worry about that later. Just keep in mind anything you add now might be useful - or it might be counter productive.

    Tues 7th: Anti-fighter Missile Turret. (Best stats within a limited space with good aesthetics)
    - A good way to do this one is just recycle your PDT with new weapons. You might want to make it slightly bigger than your PDT. It's up to you. The fun is in trying to make it launch more missiles than most PDTs can deal with. MUAHAHAHA.

    [Small Craft Week]
    Wed 8th: Harasser Drone. (Minimalist weapons and shielding with a hard to hit silhouette and good armor, not restricted to a single dock space but not to pass 100 mass)
    - Who needs one dock space limits? Am I right? The entire point is to make it hard to hit with capship weapons. It does need to be able to go up against any turrets you've made so far. At least any you made in this challenge.

    Thurs 9th: VIP Jump Shuttle. (Protected by turrets designed to stop fighters and missiles. must be maneuverable enough to evade cannons. Not to exceed 200 mass before adding turrets)
    - All fine and good. But you might want to outfit this with a full set of at least 3 PDTs. If you can combine your PDT with your missile turret all the better. Then the PDT would double as an anti fighter/drone setup.

    Fri 10th: Light Fighter. (Not to exceed 200 mass and must have weapons and shielding. No turrets)
    - A fun shortcut would be to redesign your harasser drone for manned flight. What exactly IS a fighter? Well capital ships have bridges. Small strike craft have flight decks. Freighters, and other mid sized craft would also have flight decks. Anything smaller has a cockpit. This is enough seating room for the crew and nothing else. They can be two, three, even four seater vessels. But there's no standing room. You pop open a port, sit down, and take off.

    Sat 11th: Advanced Fighter (Not to exceed 400 mass and must have passive effects and jump plus weapons and shielding. Turrets are fine)
    - Your common strike craft. The quintessential hallmark of your fleet. Most of your attacking needs bundled into one package. Scale it down or add to it as you like but the main thing I'd like to see here is something multirole. One swiss army fighter. Have fun making other variants for specific jobs. This first one just needs to be able to survive and even flourish in nearly any situation. Not an easy build for most.

    Sun 12th: Cloak and Jam Capable Jumpship. (Not to exceed 400 mass and must be able to cloak and jam for more than 20 seconds while charging the jump drive. Turrets allowed but not recommended. Shielding and weaponry optional)
    - It might turn into a cloaking snowflake but that's fine. It needs to be able to take a hit, run and jump. A crew of ninjas and a hold full of sharp assassin thingies.

    Mon 13th: The Asteroid Eater (Salvage able to harvest an entire asteroid in 10 seconds or less. All other systems optional. Must not exceed 400 mass)
    - The next step up from the Cherry Picker salvager. Why be choosy? Take the whole dang 'roid! 'Roid RAGE!!! Mining Mayhem! Resource Rampage! CRYSTALSSSS! You want soemthing? This rock munching beast will get you the raw materials to make it yourself. GET SOME!

    Tues 14th: The Pirate Buster (Soloist craft able to destroy a pirate base's defenders , turrets, and break the faction module without taking damage. Not to exceed 500 mass)
    - Week 3 begins tomorrow. We'll be moving from harassing pirates to simply obliterating them. But we have to take small steps. So we have a final stage, kill any pirate base, light vessel. 500 mass is small! So make the best of it.

    ["What's up Dock?" Week.]
    Wed 15th: Big Ol' Gun Day 1 (Plan and find docking space either on an existing ship or test bench ship/station to add a 1000 mass weapon and start building)
    - Just layout your plans for the gun's location and shape. This gun is going to be bigger than anything you've built in the challenge so far. I strongly recommend you use a station as the mother entity. You will want to be able to test power and damage output ratios easily. For now just Make sure you have a good powered dock the right size and shape to fit your new gun.

    Thurs 16th: Big Ol' Gun Day 2 (Finish hull and primary systems)
    - Get those systems installed and tested! Close up the hull and get ready for some detailin. Also leave space for your completed weapons system.

    Fri 17th: Big Ol' Gun Day 3 (Install weapons system and detail your gun)
    - Kinda self explanatory :3

    Sat 18th: Chargin Da Lazah Day 1 (Plan and begin constructing a dockable reactor powerful enough to fire your new weapon)
    - Now it's time to pull your new big gun off it's mount and figure out how to supply the power it needs directly. You might already be halfway done with this challenge by now if you used a ship to build your weapon onto.

    Sun 19th: Chargin Da Lazah Day 2 (Finish and test new reactor/cannon setup and detail the reactor so it matches the host craft or station or just plain looks cool)
    - Aesthetics are key to any ship design that can stand the test of time. There are very early alpha ships that still look awesome. If a master builder can accomplish only one thing it's a ship pretty enough for someone to want for the collection. Ships marred by bad turret placement never seem to endure without someone stripping them off. So here you need to either hide or make pretty your reactor-turret couple.

    Mon 20th: Hidden Dock, Crouching Turret Day 1 (Build an area that a turret could be hidden inside of with doors or force fields protecting them)

    Tues 21st: Hidden Dock, Crouching Turret Day 2 (Make your protected gun port big enough to hide your turret from Big Ol' Gun week while it's docked to the reactor built for it)

    [Big Ships Week]
    Wed 22nd: Framework (Plan the size and overall shape of your ship's hull
    and basic placeholder systems and get some of the detailing started)

    Thurs 23rd: Internal Deck Layout. (Figure out what decks will be spaces intended for crew so you know where not to build systems, get some detailing done if possible)

    Fri 24th: Systems Day 1 (Remove the temporary systems and move them into their appropriate spaces)

    Sat 25th: Systems Day 2 (Finish any framework, internal layout and needed systems)

    Sun 26th: Weapons Day 1 (Begin installing weapons and turrets)

    Mon 27th: Weapons Day 2 (Finish weapons installation, add in non critical systems and get a head start on detailing)

    Tues 28th: Details, details. (Finish any detailing you started. At the very least try to make a snazzy looking flight deck/bridge)


    Participants: (Again; PM me the link to the thread and I will list you here as one of the participants)
    - Raiben
    - Tydeth
    - keptick
    - Sven_The_Slayer
    - jzimmerman4 April Challenge Shipyard
    - Gandrac April Challenge Shipyard
    - LegoF4 April Challenge Shipyard
    - Nauvran April Challenge Shipyard
    (Just PM me if you'd rather not appear on the list)

    Thanks to members of our community staff, SR7 and RageLogin! for helping me hammer out some of the details.
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    1200° Plasma
    Sep 23, 2012
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    Pushing this up for visibility. No takers yet, and we're 4 days in? Really? :(
    Oct 26, 2013
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    Just did the first 4 challenges in an hour :P video will be up soon :P also, i'll release them all in a pack.. cause that's easier :P Keep em coming Warsong, and if you need any other ideas, I might have a few :)
    Nov 20, 2013
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    Do we need to upload the challenge craft to the dock, or just screenshots?


    Building masochist
    Sep 26, 2013
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    Challenge #1:

    Challenge #3:

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    Nov 20, 2013
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    keptick , I think the drone has to fit in a 7^3 docking box, based on the "Single Dock Week" theme title.

    That said, both are nice, especially the sleek flat turret.


    Cmdr Deathmark
    May 29, 2013
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    Just screenshots'll do. If you do release them on the CC you can ofc. Just add them to your shipyard thread And I'll link to your shipyard in the OP and you can share them inline as keptic has. Raiben's pack releases on the CC are a good idea too.

    What each challenge attempts to accomplish and the result are pretty much unrelated. The entire first week is about trying to squeeze as much out of tight docking spaces as possible and I think the drone did a fine job.
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    Aug 14, 2013
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    Day 1: Have it already
    Day 2: Have it already
    Day 3: Have it already
    Day 4: I have pods (SPC "Self Propeled Crate") but I think they are 9x9x9

    I will definently be doing some of these. I quite enjoy challeng builds.
    Jun 22, 2013
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    Really enjoyed todays challenge, took awhile but I think I finally got something that'll work, well once the new docking mechanics are added that is.
    Nov 20, 2013
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    Week 1 done. I'll post more info and pictures in Shipyard later on. Every single one of these will fit on a docking module that has 0 enhancers linked to it.

    They are arranged in matching order to your list. 1, 2, and 4 were completed on the 4th. 3, 5 and 6 were built yesterday, and of course 7 I did today.

    #1 has 2 different cannon combos twin-linked to fire out of the barrels, for spraying out more missile-killing dakka. It was going to be triple-barreled, but the third gun looked stupid, and somewhere along the line that little camera head got put in. I think I put it there to aid in either docking the turret or for manual overriding when you have killer missiles coming at you and the AI is failing to stop them. Since it had shields and thrusters (the latter to position for docking), I contemplated whether it could also qualify as #3, hence #3 wasn't also made on the 4th.

    #2 is a salvage-oriented variant of my Type-C Space Truck, which can be seen getting powered by the reactor below. Its single output allows for high accuracy when cherry picking the ores.

    #3 got its design cues from me having liked #1's appearance, but it only has a single weapon system: Twin ion rapid-fire cannons that deal 9 damage per hit to shields.

    #4 has 15 plex storages inside, and 5k shields. It also sports a docking module on its top so you can stack them.

    #5 I'm not too proud of. I was trying to go for a solar sailor design, as that would easily justify the 3d crosses that powering cloaking systems requires, but it just refused to work. When I added the blocks to make the sail shape, the cloaking went downhill fast. In the end, I just decided to stick with function on this one and the result is that thing. If you add 1 block to the back of each reactor group, making it 8 long, it gets permastealth, but then requires docking enhancer.

    #6 has a rapid-fire power supply beam that is logic powered, and can be toggled on or off with activator modules. It also has turret docks on both ends.

    #7 is like #1 in that it has two twin-linked weapon combos: Heat seekers for anti-PD spam and lock-on for high damage output.

    Some of these I might upload to CC.
    Nov 20, 2013
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    Working on Week 2, the ships in the large spoiler screenshot are Day 8's Harasser Drone. It requires more extensive testing before I'd call it ready, but so far it's looking promising.

    The one to the left is the Mk 1, and... it sucks at its job. Its puny cannons are incapable of really harming standard armored targets, and its rapid fire dumb missiles kept getting shot out by its own guns. What missiles managed to not die more often than not completely missed the target. Its own defenses, however, proved quite formidable for its size, surviving onslaughts from Isanths and pirate station turrets so long as missiles didn't come at it. They were often neutralized as a viable threat(via lost bobby, weapon modules, and/or weapon comps) long before the core got hit enough to die, allowing disabled drones to soak up hits with their armor and tank for others.

    The top middle one is Mk 2, and it's the promising one. Its cannon slave for the missile was replaced with damage beam, so it can lock on and turn away from the cannon streams. The guns themselves were slung under the wing instead of being integrated, allowing them to double in size and power. Shield capacity, shield regen, and power regen are slightly improved as well from the Mk 1. In addition, a logic-driven defensive push effect was added. The stats on the left are of this variant. 12 of these actually proved fairly effective at weakening a pirate station before fleets of Isanths drew their attention enough; this varied based on the station attacked.

    The right one was a short-lived experiment for Mk 3, replacing the lock-on missile with a quintuple-launch heat seeker. I found an intact pirate station and spawned a dozen of those; it was a disaster. Despite the faction, the heat seekers decided each drone's wingmen(wingbots?) were better targets than the pirate turrets. More Mk 3 drones died to friendly fire than to the actual pirates; the Isanths didn't have to do anything. This causes concern for the utility of my Day 7 turret, which also utilizes heat seekers.

    The design idea I had in mind was simple: a forward-swept wing transatmospheric aerospace drone fighter. Despite using no references while building, the end result shares some similarities with the Grumman X29 (a real-life experimental aircraft), a Klingon Bird of Prey, and a Z-95 Headhunter (Star Wars). The navigation lights are also linked to the weapons systems, allowing for green bullets and red missiles. I have not yet decided on a paint scheme; I may just leave it unpainted for the CC release.

    As the challenge requires that the drone be able to take on a craft armed with the Day 1 and Day 7 turrets, further testing will need to wait for completion of the Day 9 jump shuttle. With its vulnerability to missiles once the shield's down, I have reason to be concerned about its survivability in those tests.


    Cmdr Deathmark
    May 29, 2013
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    The design reminds me a lot of the Pyro GX from Descent.
    And I just got a stupid idea..
    Nov 20, 2013
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    I built the jump shuttle and tested 1 Mk2 Harasser against it, by admin loading the shuttle and setting up the faction blocks, then spawning the drone as a pirate. This way its maneuvering would not be a variable in the initial tests; the AI sucks at that, anyway.

    That did not go well for the drone; the shuttle had 4 PDTs and 2 of the Day 7 missile spammers. The drone was horribly and absolutely wrecked. It did manage to damage the shuttle and get one PDT down before being vaporized. Unlike the multiple Mk3 drones that nuked each other despite faction, the turrets behaved and their missiles only shot at the pirates.

    I then reset the experiment and spawned 2 Mk2 Harassers. This went much better for them, as they worked together to kill one of the missile turrets and break off a PDT, with one drone killing it while his buddy assaulted the ship. Strangely, after killing the lone PDT, that drone spontaneously decided to bugger off, leaving his friend with the rest of the shuttle. Said friend still managed to focus down the damaged missile turret and kill it, before leisurely killing the PDTs. Interesting note: turrets set to kill missiles can still get annoyed by being shot at, and decide to shoot back at the offensive ship. Not sure if bug or feature, but sensible given the turrets are controlled by an AI.

    Further testing may ensue, with me flying the shuttle while another pair of spawned pirate drones attacks it, to see how they handle against a moving target. So far, it looks like Mk2 is fulfilling the needs of its Day 8 challenge.

    Pics and stats for the shuttle will come later. I need to test its maneuverability and pick a good paint scheme for it.
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    Cake Build Server Official Button Presser
    Jun 30, 2013
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    yeah I have also fallen behind.
    Either there are other games I wanted to play or friends wanted to play something
    better get back to building.