Animated water


    Dec 31, 2013
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    I think water should also be non-solid to players and creatures, but not to ships (all the blocks are extremely bouyant or something and can't sink)

    The real reason for this, of course, is so water blocks don't clip inside ships when they try and land on bodies of water.
    Non-physical water for ships only also would mean incredible force fields for hangars, which is something we all should want.
    Non-physical = walk-through | fly-through
    Fly-though water for ships only = only ships can fly through water = opposite to previous post.

    Obvious if you look carefully, how many readers did you confuse with that Funny?

    I agree with both however. 3 types of water? 4?
    Aug 28, 2013
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    I don't know anyone who wants water to stay physical for people. I think the question is whether people want it solid for ships.

    Keep in mind Teh Schema wants to add flowing water to the game. The current water block would be a "solid water" block, while a new "fluid water" block is added. I'd imagine that this wouldn't be actual fluid simulation, but just approximations based on only the other blocks in that structure.
    So, the current water, which people who have modded the game are already using for forcefields, should be made nonphysical.
    The new water should at least be nonphysical to players. I'm uncertain as to ships. One the one hand I really don't want landing vessels sinking in them and flooding, on the other hand I reallllly want to reenact Sumergi's Ptolemias Cannonball maneuver.
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    Dec 31, 2013
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    Nah, solid water would still have it's use as water with a glass plate below it's surface to let you walk on or inside a wall covered with glass.
    Has anybody made 1x1 thick Oil-pipes in the engine room with green/brown water? would be weird if you could jump/walk through.

    But perhaps this version could have no visual flow or surface waves and is considered a (pipe)-block by the game with a different texture.