An Open letter to the Lazarus Imperium refugees

    Nov 16, 2013
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    Look at how many times you said or your faction members said that your faction is strong and isn\'t going anywhere nature. Simply ignoring this post of ridiks would have been the smarter move, giving him no attention, no merit, and it would be less time wasted if his post was untrue and based on false knowledge. One has to only cast doubt, to plant the seeds of chaos. Its been planted, you simply reacting the only way you know how. Our spies are our advantage, information is essential in every aspects of peace, war, and staying neutral. ONE thing I know of ridik to be true and constant about him. He does is research....
    Nov 13, 2013
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    Leanson,no offense, but when peeps in and out of the faction are calling BS instead of the leader, I think your post loses it\'s message... Fact is this is more like a trusted news service getting backlash for getting it wrong.
    Nov 16, 2013
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    None taken, what you said instead of the leader, the leader is calling BS too. He the one who is calling BS the most. How do you it is wrong, because someone told you that is it. Because 10 people agree, or because the leader says it isn\'t disbanding. Maybe ridik saved the faction by announcing what he has found in attempts to save it. Because he brought it out in the open it forces people to act therefore changing the outcome that would have resulted if he did nothing. This is just a instance of what could or might have been. If one person out of a hundred is saying the truth. He is correct and it doesn\'t matter how many times people call it bullshit. I think my message is lost for those how don\'t understand. Yes trust source indeed.
    Sep 29, 2013
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    Lost its message, or was it simply misunderstood?

    The leader of Lazarus(nature) says he knows more then me, but has displayed little to back that up, I have said I know more then him and have provided chat logs to prove it, I also leaked documents before much of his faction even knew it, and the chat logs were from an officer meeting of 6 of the Lazarus hierarchy. He hasn\'t kicked anyone so my spy(spies) are still in place.

    So I know everything I know, I know what other factions are doing, and I know what Lazarus is doing, what ever faith you have in Mr. Nature, has to be faith in his ability, and even if he was the best faction leader he just doesn\'t have all the information.

    I\'m not saying I am the best faction leader, or even a good one, but am good at what I do, if I wasn\'t I wouldn\'t be an alliance leader.

    So someone (me) who knows what he is doing, knows most if not all the useful information relevant to this situation who caught an unprepared party(lets face it I blindsided Lazarus with this shit stirring) is saying Lazarus days are numbered. And rank and file general issue members are saying its strong and doing well?

    now I may have some integral bias in this area, but its a bit clear whos opinion I think carries more merit.

    I wish people would pay attention around here, the last time I did a \"refugees post\" was a few days before that piticular alliance fell apart

    Was posted days before 3 factions left the brotherhood alliance including the vaygr. just saying.


    Maiden of crashes
    Oct 15, 2013
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    Don\'t listen to OP, the Blakeists will attempt to takeover all the major servers and nuke (DOS) any they can\'t control, its going to be the chaos march all over again.
    Nov 5, 2013
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    It\'s not that I didn\'t kick anyone. It\'s that I don\'t worry about your spies. There\'s no need to hard filter through every member when just leaving them there does no damage. Why swat at something that isn\'t hurting you? It\'s a waste of energy, time, resources, and so on.

    Frankly, the Lazarus is responding en masse to this, while you have one other person trying to back you up. We continue to thrive and go on, and as of now, we\'re only growing and expanding. Your attempts at chaos have failed utterly, but you refuse to see this as such, instead believing your reputation and face is enough to \"prove\" that you are right. Reputation stops being effective altogether once actual variables come into play that cause all forces to align against said reputation.

    I don\'t \"need\" all the information, Ridik. What matters to me is my members, and the Imperium. It doesn\'t matter to me what other people are always doing. I have other people to handle that for me. I am focused purely on the growth of the Imperium, and those that assist us. I simply have no need to run around and gather information like it\'s some kind of holy material that, when massed, will provide victory. This is a videogame. Everything is constantly changing. One day every piece of information you have could become null through an update, or a single change in the chain of command. But the faith of the members of the Imperium in the faction they are in? In me? In the chain of command? That doesn\'t change so quickly. It\'s sturdier than your \"spies\" that you claim to have everywhere. It\'s fine, though. These spies do not bother me. You haven\'t interrupted anything of importance. If anything, you\'ve done nothing but rally the Lazarus together even more.

    I do not even know why you attempt these acts of chaos. You\'re still working in small game, Ridik. You gave yourself into the Pact. You\'re not even your own man anymore. I have my own information. My own chat banks. And everything points towards you being a slave to your own creation. The Vaygr, the Tartarans, now they know how to run a faciton. Just because I didn\'t want to join your creation does not make me lesser, nor greater than they are. In fact, information points towards this escapade of yours damaging said pact internally.

    But I\'ll be keeping that \"information\" to myself, instead of going about and spreading it to the world. Secret information isn\'t all that useful once everyone knows it, eh? It just becomes common knowledge. You announce all your spies, all your secrets. You claim and brag and the entire time you are oblivious to people playing your own game. You are so swelled up on thinking you know everything that you are blind to what you do not know, and refuse to accept that such information even exists.

    I will resume leading the Lazarus, just as I always have. And we will thrive, we will grow, and we will expand, just as always. And those rank in file members that you seem to think are so worthless? The ones rallying to my support?

    They are the most important. And I am proud that every single one of them is a Lazarus.

    Emperor of the Lazarus Imperium


    Vaygr loves my warhead bat.
    Sep 6, 2013
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    Also Nature, pm me, I need to talk to you about something.


    Nov 10, 2013
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    Well I dont give 2 shits about Real World politics in a Video game :p (your constant babbling about Russia)

    I actually quite enjoy this to an extent, it shows that there IS life within the community o -o not just some randoms building random shapes saying they are allied/enemies/etc

    Deleted member 301635

    I heard that Ridik was trying to start a war to increase interest in Starmade.