An argument for better docking - WIF PIKCHURRZ!!

    Aug 10, 2013
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    The newest update seems to have concluded the lengthy troubles we had with docking areas, but it also raised a new possibility.

    You see, I always found using the docking enhancers a bothersome task, and the area they generate around themselves a nuisance at best, and a serious hindrance in creative construction at worst. Whatever you do, the area has to be left empty, or it won't work.

    Empty square areas aren't a terribly fine sight to behold, but I put up with them so far, thinking that's how the game works, they're needed for properly attaching my turrets, or ships.

    Until a few patches ago they were more lenient, and allowed a little bigger turrets than the highlighted areas, and it was good. A few bits protruding here and there, a little longer barrels and such, and it improved the visuals quite nicely.

    Sadly, that's no longer the case; all my turrets from all my ships were torn off, and I couldn't dock them back unless I made them, or the ships considerably uglier. Needless to say, this sucks. Seriously.

    But then I tried out the new console command ( /ignore_docking_area true ), and it quickly turned out that those bloody docking areas aren't even necessary to make the system work.

    Ships dock nicely, turrets work like a charm no matter how I place them, and I'm free to build around them.

    Excuse the caps, but THIS IS HOW IT SHOULD WORK!

    Take a look for yourself, it's time for the promised PIKCHURRZ:

    Good docking:

    -You don't need any more empty space than the ship itself. Good when your core is placed far to the front or the rear

    -You don't even need a straigth floor. You could contour it to the ship's shape.

    -You can build all sorts of stuff around it, like ladders, docking clamps, or, if you're in a hurry to build a demonstration... a wall. ( A really amazing wall. Like, it's not tilted one bit. )

    Bad docking:

    -If the ship core is not in the middle, you need to build the dockingarea twice as large as the ship itself.

    -Nothing may be built in that huge green box.

    -The nice wall is gone.

    Good turret:

    -Doesn't take up any more space than it needs to.

    -You can build a turret basket.

    -Said turret basket can be sunk into the main hull, thus protecting the turret's core and the docking module; The turret won't get torn off or destroyed in combat so easily.

    -You're free to shape the main hull any way you like. It can follow the turret's contour, or have neat little details.

    Bad turret:

    -Takes up an enormous space.

    -You wanted a turret basket? Too bad, now it's protruding way too high.

    -You may be tempted to dig a giant, ugly, box-shaped hole in the main hull so you might fix this and sink the turret.

    -Or lose the basket, and every detail that protrudes from the back of the hull.

    -Docking enhancers are exposed. The turret may get torn off if even one of them gets destroyed.

    -You may have to sacrifice interior space to try and hide the enhancers.

    I imagine that console command will be very popular, very soon. It might even be good enough to make this the deafult setting.

    The only real downside is, you might get stuck when trying to un-dock something, but careful building can keep that problem at bay for the moment, and perhaps in the future a line of code could be added that GENTLY nudges your ship or turret towards the nearest suitable empty space after undocking, until it's free of collision.

    And there's one last thing that would make the turrets way better:

    They should only traverse horizontally (relative to themselves), and a new attachment block should be made that let's the turret's guns (or a part of the turret containing the guns) traverse vertically. Basically, you'd have two joints instead of one.

    And that's all for now.

    Aug 30, 2013
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    But seeing how much trouble the docking fix was, this might not be a possibility for a while. Anyway, docking needs a serious reboot, but not so much it breaks everything again.
    Aug 3, 2013
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    love this to be the default for docking moduals I think I understand why it isn\'t though, it leaves room for a lot of abuse is my guess. It would make it so a person could have too many turrets and or ships so close to each other that every ship has the potential to be a huge lag on the game. But there has to be a happy medium between the two I hope :)
    May 26, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 7
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    One thing I\'ve been playing with is the fact 2 docked things can occupy the same space, you can use this to get better looks. Place one normal dock beside the turret dock and build a \'basket\' as a ship, make sure you can see the turret dock through it once it is docked, then you dock your turret onto your ship.

    The end result should be a turret with a \'basket\' or mechanism that actually makes it look attatched to the ship rather than this floaty pew pew thing.
    May 26, 2013
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    Docking enhancers don\'t need to touch the dock, they jsut need to be linked.
    Aug 10, 2013
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    Overlapped dockings were possible way before this update, and still are, with or without this command.

    I suppose a full collision check could be initiated when clicking the docking beam;


    I\'m a turret. I have blocks here, here, and here, relative to my core.

    My core would like to attach to that docking unit.

    Are there free spaces there, there, and there, relative to that docking unit?

    If yes; dock to docking unit

    else; display string \"Get lost, troll!\"

    Aug 3, 2013
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    I thought having one turret docked and then trying to dock another turret that interfeared with the boundery box of the first turrets docking modual would make it so the second turret would not dock. kinda like when you have part of the ship within the boundery box for the docking modual it makes it go off line.

    Although to me that would make more sense to have turrets that interfear with another turrets docking modual boundery box would make them go off line and not the blocks on a ship. Or a happy medium between the two situations. something hat would allow for smaller ship bays inside of a ship. That way you could have a small get away ship of sorts and like you said allow for a bit more creativity in the way the bay looks besides a empty box. But it\'s way easier to come up with ideas than it is to impliment them for sure lol
    Jul 11, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    I definately support this! I\'m not updating my game for now because of the new turret system.
    Jun 23, 2013
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    I think this is the way to go , I still think it needs some thinking over but other than that you got my support !
    Aug 14, 2013
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    • Councillor 3 Gold
    • Wired for Logic
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    I was able to update every one of my turret based ships to comply with the recent update without changing any visuals except for a few extra exposed docking enhancers. Also your docking enhancer never need to be exposed, they can be placed anywhere in a ship as long as they are linked to the docking module. You could have a single room on a ship dedicated to holding all the docking enhancers.

    The biggest problem I have with this suggestion is that you are assuming your way to make turrets is the correct way. Not all turrets are going to be shaped like naval guns so therefore having the base rotate and a second joint raise and lower the aim while cool in theory probably won\'t work. This will also force players to build very specifically shaped turrets and not having this doesn\'t allow turrets to work very well within pits as turrets already like to clip into their mounts.

    For turrets it makes sense that the core be the center as that is a pivot point, but this doesn\'t always work for ships. I would much rather be able to choose the center of my ship or have it auto align based on it\'s actual dimensions and not the core position and this would easily solve any docking issues with ships.

    If a lot of people adopt this method of building than blueprints will need to start coming with disclaimers \"Only works with /ignore_docking_area true\"
    Jun 22, 2013
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    • Competition Winner - Stations
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    • Legacy Citizen 10
    YES!!! I\'ve posted some ideas like this on other forums and its a a great idea!!!!! Enhancers for docks are so annoying and pointless if docked ships cant collide with other stuff. The admin command is really nice but it should be default so i can spawn my ships onto multiplayer without the docking getting all messed up. Maybe turret enhancers can improve the turrets accuracy and so the green box would be increased as a trade off. Basic boxes should still be spawned when you place a docking unit to prevent major OP and trolling of people placing tons of tall skinny turrets right next to each other.
    Aug 10, 2013
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    You have a valid point.

    I wouldn\'t want anything that only lets you build in one style either. Limiting options in a creativity based game is plain wrong.

    But think it through with me:

    You\'d simply be using two pairs of attachment blocks instead of the current one pair of docking unit plus turret core. No one would tell you where to place the secondary (vertical traverse) pair. You could place the second immediately on top of the first, and then build the whole turret on top of it if that\'s what you wanted.

    Heck, even a dialogue box could be added to the docking module, where you could check which direction(s) do you want it to rotate to, so you could still use only a single pair, or several pairs in a multi-jointed mechanical monstrosity.

    And since we\'re there, why not take it further? How about setting how many degrees can it traverse, which direction should it face by deafult, and should it return there when idle.
    Dec 30, 2012
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    • Legacy Citizen 4
    The new command is just for testing/debugging, it is not an option/feature to make everyone on a server dock Planetoid class stuff on just a single docking module.
    Aug 26, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    I love the docking idea for ships, but the turret one might have some issues. In your picture you showed there. how does the turret pitch upwards/downwards? or is it a fixed left to right placement?
    Sep 4, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    For some reason the whole docking thing is still fucked up. without updating or anything. it suddenly shifted the shape / space of the port. The effect is that the port inside my ship doesn\'t fit in anymore even without a enhancer linked.
    The ship fits sometimes and sometimes not in the field.
    and for some reasons one of my mini ships (one core, one generator, one thruster, one storagebox) don\'t want to dock at anyplace anymore.