ammo for weapons

    Nov 16, 2013
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    I either missed it, it haven't seen a post about it, but I would like to see at some point weapons like AMCs require ammo in order for them to fire and operate. As it make sense and because of the penetration power that will come there should be a draw back in using each weapon. Depending on the power and range will determine the type of ammo needed. There can be for instance 5 sizes more or less of ammo for a weapon that can and need to be created in order for a weapon to fire. Lets say you have a massive arty cannon, it will require ammo that is of the highest size round because of the weapons range and damage. It takes one shell of course one expelled it can be collected and used again, or just vanish, it just depends on how much code and realism that schema wants to have and what is needed. Beam weapons could use charge cartridges coupled with the energy with the parent ship. A plasma cartridge will contain a certain number of shots, energy is pulled from the ships energy tanks as the weapon is fired sending beam bullets firing. Missles well duh, all depends on the size of the middle blocks. Ammo I think is needed to balance out combat, create economic needed, creation and some use to factories, but it will limit production to a fixed rate that is determined by size. Like a size 1 ammo used for small fighter and small amcs will be able to produce alot. A large arty shell well you will produce less like 5 an hour from one factory input. Resources required will be increased based on the size of the ammo.
    Aug 19, 2013
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    Thermal based weapons such as energy projectile weapons (lasers bolts, plasma weapons and beam cannons) should just use power.

    Kinetic based weapons, like auto cannons, missiles and railguns should use ammo. Railgun might be a little different, making use of power to charge up the shot.
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    Aug 28, 2013
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    Would their be a system to transfer ordinance between ships easily, or would it require manually transferring all of the ammo over by hand? The last thing I want is for starmade to be turned into a reloading simulator.

    Also, the costs for energy or ammo should be made flexible, so that it depends on the server. Having the option to implement multiple ammo types along with energy types, possibly giving different stats would be better then just saying, "You need ammo"


    Nov 10, 2013
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    The problem I see with this, is that I -Will- be the guy to put a Artillery cannon on a fighter :u

    The problem with Ammo is its Mirco-management (Like Hunger and food) And weapons come in all variety of sizes :/

    There are 25 different combinations of weapons yes (5 for AMCs) but there is a bit more then that in possible weapons, due to the nature of changing the Ratio of Master/slave (Have 100 Amcs + 1 Pulse makes a weak artillery effect; still low range/damage. What shell would that use?)

    Theres also the issue with Size of the weapon groups, and yes you could make them scale ammo usage with size, but then you run into a system like the current Turning one ._. Either that or grossly over estimate the "max expected group" and Ammo becomes a trivial thing :u

    Just some food for though :p It would be interesting (as a server options) to see in the game though, good for some RP fun * ^*
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    Nov 16, 2013
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    with the energy weapons I can see it where it can pull energy from the ship without a use of ammo,

    with the stacking limit and storage boxes their should be a good chunk of ammo available for a ship. A ammo storage box also can be created to store and for every weapon including the turrets to pull from. Coding wise It would make it easier to implement a new block that is made for that specific tasking and function.
    Nov 16, 2013
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    i would just keep the ammo basic and easy. 5 levels thats it all based on range and damage.

    people like detail and it makes the game a bit harder, but I don't think it will hinder people alot. Sm should have features and detail that can be comparable and compete with other games like itself.
    Aug 6, 2013
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    Thermal based weapons such as energy projectile weapons (lasers bolts, plasma weapons and beam cannons) should just use power.

    Kinetic based weapons, like auto cannons, missiles and railguns should use ammo. Railgun might be a little different, making use of power to charge up the shot.
    Rain guns use both power and ammo. They do need to charge up, but they hold that charge until fired, ideally in their own capacitors independent from the main power systems of the ship, so even if your ship power levels are low, if the guns are fully charged, they can still get s shot off. They do use a projectile, but it can be anything really. Depending on how realistic you want to get, you can make conductive sheaths and combine them with some sort of object for a projectile, or you can go with just straight projectile for simplicity. I would opt for straight ammo made from the various minerals, as I'm assuming higher tier materials would be more dense, IE the difference between Iron, Steel, and Tungston

    For the record, I love everything about rail guns. If it seems like I am taking it a bit too seriously, it is because I am. Some people love crack. I love rail guns.

    For the Greator Good!

    with the energy weapons I can see it where it can pull energy from the ship without a use of ammo,

    with the stacking limit and storage boxes their should be a good chunk of ammo available for a ship. A ammo storage box also can be created to store and for every weapon including the turrets to pull from. Coding wise It would make it easier to implement a new block that is made for that specific tasking and function.
    What about just linking a storage box to a weapons computer? To help avoid confusion, it would be nice if chests would change color/texture to reflect what they are linked to, IE blue for weapon computer, as well as have some sort of labeling system like signs.
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    Nov 16, 2013
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    Rain guns use both power and ammo. They do need to charge up, but they hold that charge until fired, ideally in their own capacitors independent from the main power systems of the ship, so even if your ship power levels are low, if the guns are fully charged, they can still get s shot off. They do use a projectile, but it can be anything really. Depending on how realistic you want to get, you can make conductive sheaths and combine them with some sort of object for a projectile, or you can go with just straight projectile for simplicity. I would opt for straight ammo made from the various minerals, as I'm assuming higher tier materials would be more dense, IE the difference between Iron, Steel, and Tungston

    For the record, I love everything about rail guns. If it seems like I am taking it a bit too seriously, it is because I am. Some people love crack. I love rail guns.

    For the Greator Good!

    What about just linking a storage box to a weapons computer? To help avoid confusion, it would be nice if chests would change color/texture to reflect what they are linked to, IE blue for weapon computer, as well as have some sort of labeling system like signs.
    I like that idea, keeps things simple and you can make that weapon computer pull specifically from that storage container
    Aug 6, 2013
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    I like that idea, keeps things simple and you can make that weapon computer pull specifically from that storage container
    Exactly. Now for getting salvage cannons to put things in chests...
    Nov 16, 2013
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    that if done coding wise could get salvage cannon to put stuff in, as amcs take ammo out of them..
    Aug 30, 2013
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    Thermal based weapons such as energy projectile weapons (lasers bolts, plasma weapons and beam cannons) should just use power.

    Kinetic based weapons, like auto cannons, missiles and railguns should use ammo. Railgun might be a little different, making use of power to charge up the shot.
    This. Stocking up on missiles would be fun (I think, I'm a saddo like that) and would add a weak spot for balance/explosive fun.
    Nov 16, 2013
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    if only we can have unlimited ammo in real life. I mean its a hassle, its heavy.. And its a pain to load it into magazines, or in the feeding tray... Ammo balances war, gives us something of value to trade, store and make, and with supply runs and such, makes ships not the only thing you need.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    if only we can have unlimited ammo in real life. I mean its a hassle, its heavy.. And its a pain to load it into magazines, or in the feeding tray... Ammo balances war, gives us something of value to trade, store and make, and with supply runs and such, makes ships not the only thing you need.
    but its just that this is a game. the money you spend will go to buying the actual gun.
    Nov 16, 2013
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    games should be realistic but can blur those lines to make them fun. What the point in buying a gun with no ammo. That's like making a ship with no engines.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    games should be realistic but can blur those lines to make them fun. What the point in buying a gun with no ammo. That's like making a ship with no engines.
    i see what you mean, it just that i have played the game space engineers and they have ammo and its so annoying to need it.
    Apr 22, 2014
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    Yes, ammo stocking can be annoying, but it could also be a commodity to help fuel the economy. Especially if it's something in limited quantities at shops. Players would want to set up factories to produce their own ammo as well as sell it to other players, and perhaps set themselves up as the ammo kings of their servers, taking out any competition, offering exclusive rights to whatever empire will do their bidding... There's a lot of potential for just adding ammo to the game.
    Nov 16, 2013
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    yes, I have it too. Lazuras mentioned a idea of having the weapons computer linked to a storage box. Where ammo can be taken out from, instead of fill each weapon, there will be a default storage box or a specific box where ammo can be pulled from.making it so much easier
    Aug 30, 2013
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    if only we can have unlimited ammo in real life. I mean its a hassle, its heavy.. And its a pain to load it into magazines, or in the feeding tray... Ammo balances war, gives us something of value to trade, store and make, and with supply runs and such, makes ships not the only thing you need.
    If only we had console commands IRL.

    Player.placeatme 1cf9a 300
    Aug 28, 2013
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    games should be realistic but can blur those lines to make them fun. What the point in buying a gun with no ammo. That's like making a ship with no engines.
    Engines add functionality to a ship. Ammo introduces constraints to a ship or weapon. Having a ship with no thrusters is like having a gun that can't shoot - its only purpose is to look cool. Additional constraints can make gameplay more rewarding, but keep in mind that sandboxes are based around the idea of no constraints. I would there to be functionality for systems (not just weapons) to use fuel, while keeping in mind that most people don't want to have to worry about running out of ammo halfway through a fight.