Alien Races

    Apr 12, 2013
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    Before i begin i would like state that this isnt so much about aliens as it is about ship veriation,

    My idea is that when you place a core you a presented with a checkbox, the checkbox would contain four predifined races each with there own weapon systems (i.e. humans being a younger race would rely on balistic and projectile weapons as aposed to energy weapons of more advanced races). all of the weapons would be balanced to each other for instance; a railgun may to alot of alpha damage but suffer a reload penalty were as a beam weapon would have a lower damage output but provide a more constant stream of damage. I think ship designes would improve dramatically from the limits impossed on them by the weapon systems they could carry.

    As fellow scifi fans i hope you can appreciate the point im trying to convay, i hope if this idea or a similar concept was implemented into the game it would increase the amount of weapon systems currently available to us while still keeping it simple to new players.

    My ideas for the Races;


    younge race utalizing balistic weaponry, high alpha damage but a need to rearm and increased reload times, (recomended weapons,railguns, ballistic cannons, missles

    -alien race 1-

    ancient race with a high tech level, beam weapons with constant low damage and high power costs (recommended weapons, lazors, plasma cannons, AMC)

    -alien race 2-

    space born race utallizing tried and tested weaponry,missles and beam weapons, suffer slightly increaed neganitves of the other factions but with with the bonus of having, more highly fine tunned varients (recommended weapons, missles, lazors.)

    -alien race 3-

    scavenger race has the ability to use all the weapons of the other races but has increased negetives to compansate.

    ill let the you guys come up with the names and back storys,

    any comments on this would be greatly appretiated thanks ownedhawk.
    Feb 14, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Saaaaaandbox man, no limitation to builds, no limitation to creativity...
    Apr 12, 2013
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    i find that limitations are what makes sandbox games fun, and just too be clear the entire concept of a game is achive tasks by overcoming limitations, all sandbox lets you do is set your own tasks.


    Madman of the Girders
    Jan 31, 2013
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    I\'d much rather have people develop specialties and lore all of their own. If they don\'t want to, nobody is forcing them to. If they do, it just adds to the experience!
    Sep 21, 2012
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    Restrictions should only exist to balance certain aspects of the game, not restrict creativity. You obviously haven\'t thought very hard about your suggestion. As much as I would like player factions to have some type of consistent theme with their designs, I don\'t want to limit their creativity.
    Apr 3, 2013
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    Why can\'t humans be the old race? Why can\'t the aliens be the young race? Why can\'t we have some HFY in here?

    But yeah, this is minecraft in space, bro. Players make their own things, their own races, their own lore. Although it would be nice to have more options so that we could make unique things beyond just their appearance.
    Apr 30, 2013
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    It\'d be better to let people, possibly on a faction by faction basis, (unless a \"race\" selection was included), choose to focus on different aspects. You might make your shields stronger at the sacrifice of your weapon strength, for example.

    The only problem is that with something like that, it\'s INCREDIBLY likely that there will be one single configuration which is simply better than all the rest. It\'d take a lot of balancing over a long time to make many different options all viable.
    Apr 25, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I don\'t think there should be \'races\' with limits to their technology.

    The ideal way to do this would be to have shops which sell different items. Shipyards which sell different ships. Whilst they might all have the basics, each would have their own stuff too. I mean one \'group\' might field completely different ships than another. Whilst perhaps one group won\'t sell weapons to strangers. Another might have some kind of biological core that grows an additional hull around their ships.