Just wondering if anyone has details on how AI behaves when outfitted with multiple weapon types.
I was thinking on designing an AI ship with both CC (for constant suppression) and MB for Alpha Damage. I was wondering how the AI might act if I had both those systems. For example what range would it chose? The longest range weapon? Shortest? Random? If the cannons were out of range would it keep firing them?
I ask because depending on the choices the AI makes with various weapons equipped will change how I need to design them. Any info on the subject of multi weapon AI would be helpful.
I was thinking on designing an AI ship with both CC (for constant suppression) and MB for Alpha Damage. I was wondering how the AI might act if I had both those systems. For example what range would it chose? The longest range weapon? Shortest? Random? If the cannons were out of range would it keep firing them?
I ask because depending on the choices the AI makes with various weapons equipped will change how I need to design them. Any info on the subject of multi weapon AI would be helpful.