Erth Paradine Maybe you should suggest global thread banning to make sure
HeartUponSleeve doesn't post in this thread anymore.
Let us not forget that this is an ALPHA game. Exploits are a common thing and you either accept it or don't, people will use them.
If you really want to ban a lot of people from the server host community you have, make a google spreadsheet or something similar and put a chatbot on your server. Every time a line is added to the spreadsheet the chat bot will do the ban command with the given information. Share the document with others and there you go, your very own global ban system.
(I am not responsible for any possible side-effects caused by the use of this method. Possible side-effects include: server hatred, abandonation of server and hate to server hoster)
In what way does the existence of an exploit mandate that a player is forced to use it in abusive or harmful ways? Further, why should an abusive/harmful use of exploits be tolerated by server operators, or its community, especially when such usage is not only against most server's rules, but flys in the face of common decency? Further, why should operators/admins not have the ability to easily and quickly share, via automated means, information about players that have been so grossly abusive they were banned elsewhere? After all, of the nearly 3,000 players that have visited our server, we've had to ban a total of 30 (or less than 1%), all of them for grossly-abusive behaviors.
A basic bot that just blindly adds players to a global permaban list is exactly what this suggestion seeks to avoid, as abuse would be rampant, and the system would quickly become useless; I just don't see the point.
The original opt-in only suggestion was seeking to use the game's existing ban criteria, a means of sharing it, and a means of leveraging into a combined player karma and server trust metric: a way to define differing server trust levels, a time-limit to bans (so that abusive or wrongful bans are quickly removed), a basic per-IP and per-player rating/karma system, and most-importantly, a means for server operators to not just override, but also simply dismiss/ignore, any other server's specific bans. Is the possibility of karma really that scary?
What's most amusing to me in this thread, is that out of this community's thousands of players, only those that either have a history of being banned elsewhere, and/or are closely aligned with those that have forced us to ban then, have voiced an objecting opinion.
As for the (your?) continued butthurt over a single player's 24-hour suspension after relogging 27 times in a single day (effectively and obsessively relogging roughy every 15 minutes, for 12 hours, when you subtract time for sleep, eating, and personal hygiene), alongside that player's refusal to communicate with admins attempting to help them, that player's rumored history of using game exploits, and the existence of a known relogging exploit at the time. In addition to the facts that this player not only relogged more than any other player on our server (before, or since), that we only saw only 4 non-abusive relog patterns like that in the 6 months prior (out of the nearly 3,000 players that have visited our server), and the fact that our short-lived "max 10 relogs per 12 effective playing hours, 24 actual actual hours" rule isn't even in effect anymore....well, is an alpha game, *shrugs*

LOL To be clear here, that player's permaban happened two weeks later, after they used exploits to break faction modules, I find it amusing that they've been banned off the dock for over a year too. *shrugs*