This isn't an Exact replica of the ship but its close enough for me
it doesn't really have an interior the ship is just going to be used as an AI ship for my Faction so an Interior was not necessary. Although it does have a lot of empty space in the bottom portion. The Ship still has a little bit of work needed but for all intensive purposes it is complete
Here are the ships stats:
446 Meters Long
81 Meters Tall
193 Meters Wide
56,989,039 Power
2,713,275 Regen
32,286 Thrust
5,823,256 Shields
24 Cannon Arrays
51,000 DPS
4 Missiles
263,184 Damage per Missile
Hit Radius of 21
12 Turrets
it doesn't really have an interior the ship is just going to be used as an AI ship for my Faction so an Interior was not necessary. Although it does have a lot of empty space in the bottom portion. The Ship still has a little bit of work needed but for all intensive purposes it is complete
Here are the ships stats:
446 Meters Long
81 Meters Tall
193 Meters Wide
56,989,039 Power
2,713,275 Regen
32,286 Thrust
5,823,256 Shields
24 Cannon Arrays
51,000 DPS
4 Missiles
263,184 Damage per Missile
Hit Radius of 21
12 Turrets