Read by Council A Use for Faction Points: Spend them RPG-style!

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    Apr 3, 2015
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    Normal.png Markus_McCloud here with yet another suggestion: allow the spending of Fac Points to buy "level-ups" that apply to everyone in that faction.

    Just as an example, here's one for a health boost upgrade:
    • Hardy [15 FP]: Increase Astronaut Mode max health by X points
    • Tough As Nails [25 FP]: Increase Astronaut Mode max health by XY points
    • Made of Nintendium [35 FP]: Increase Astronaut Mode max health by XYZ points
    You get the idea, right? It's better than just pooling around and being a glorified kill tally and upkeep cost.
    I'm sure Schine already has something planned for the FP system already, but I thought I'd give my two cents (or galactic credits, in this case).

    (BTW, if anyone asks, I'll list my other level-up suggestions.)
    Jun 24, 2015
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    I like the thought of spending faction points on other things, but these particular things I dunno. Some of the things I can think of are:
    - restock a non player owned shop
    - some sort of temp base buff. Perhaps weapon damage?
    - have the trade faction build a shop ?
    Apr 3, 2015
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    I like the thought of spending faction points on other things, but these particular things I dunno. Some of the things I can think of are:
    - restock a non player owned shop
    - some sort of temp base buff. Perhaps weapon damage?
    - have the trade faction build a shop ?
    Well, this was just for the sake of example.
    Feb 25, 2016
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    Upgrading things based on faction points is, in a word, ridiculous. This is not an RPG, it's a sandbox. To improve, you must BUILD better, not just hang around doing nothing in your indestructible homebase until you have enough FP to become nearly invincible due to damage buffs, defense buffs, whatever.
    Apr 3, 2015
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    Upgrading things based on faction points is, in a word, ridiculous. This is not an RPG, it's a sandbox. To improve, you must BUILD better, not just hang around doing nothing in your indestructible homebase until you have enough FP to become nearly invincible due to damage buffs, defense buffs, whatever.
    I meant for the FP "level-ups" to add a slight boost to faction members: enough to make players feel a bit more confident, but not enough to make them cocky. If turtling does becomes an issue, the FP system could be reworked to penalize high-cowardice factions.

    In my example, the max health boost could be an increase of just 80 health points. Even though you and your faction would now have 200 HP per astronaut, that still 100 less than a Trading Guild Shopkeeper. In other words, you'd still be weaker than a common NPC even when you're at max health!

    If you still have a better system, one that blows mine out of the water, I'd love to hear it. :) After all, it's just my silly opinion; what do I know?
    Feb 25, 2016
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    Is there a need for this system? If so, what is it?
    Is this need important enough to justify RPG-ifying this game?
    What are the possible problems, and how can we fix them before putting this in the game....not after watching people turtle up.
    I don't see a need to spend FP for RPG-esque upgrades to characters. Perhaps we can use FP as a sort of abstract item (As proposed in a suggestion a while back) that you need to research various advanced blocks or armors/personal weapons? I'm not sure about that because I can see dozens of issues for lone wolves with any FP-based advancement system, except for a system focused exclusively on enhancing your faction's territory or whatever.