Read by Council A reason and a reward for engaging in combat

    Dec 2, 2015
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    So here are the 2 main reasons I have gathered from talking to several people within 3 different factions.

    There is no reason to engage in combat
    There is too much risk and not enough reward for engaging in combat

    So what I am proposing may help this, or fix the problem completely.

    In order to combat these issues, I can propose 3 different solutions, all having the same effect one (or maybe even all, can be implemented).

    Solution 1: Fuel
    Fuel is burned up by power reactor modules, the more their are, the more required per tick to keep them all running, if you run out of fuel, you will no longer be able to generate power, this resource can be bought at a shop (high price) or produced from material mined from gas clouds (afaik those are planned), gas clouds are rare by default configs, and will damage astronauts who are inside them (so you cannot put a homebase there) will slowly regenerate, so you have to fight for control of them.

    Solution 2: Oxygen
    Oxygen is required to float in space (other than in planets) and survive in ships that are in no oxygen environments. without dying slowly from no air to breathe, these can be obtained from planets, brought from a shop (high price) or produced from material obtained from gas clouds, gas clouds are rare by default configs, and will damage astronauts who are inside them (so you cannot put a homebase there) will slowly regenerate, so you have to fight for control of them.

    Solution 3: Quantum Fuel

    Quantum fuel is fuel used to power jump drives, the fuel is obtained from (you guessed it) quantum anomalies (you thought I was gonna say gas cloud XD), these anomalies will appear, disappear and reappear in different locations, if mined, you get materials nessicary to produce quantum fuel, their can be scanned down using scanners and when found, you will need to fight some NPCs to clear them out, once cleared the anomaly will shop up on everyone's map, they will slowly regenerate until they disappear after a random amount of time, they will then appear elsewhere.
    Feb 25, 2016
    Reaction score
    No on the quantum fuel, but I like the idea of fuel and oxygen. careful. Gas clouds don't necessarily have to damage astronauts inside of them. Instead, there should be many TYPES of clouds.

    Interstellar clouds can be dangerous if they're home to new stars (They get bathed in radiation), if they're ionized, or if they're just made of poisonous materials. If the last one's true, then you just have to wear a helmet and/or stay in a ship. Your ship and suit should already be airtight.
    Aug 14, 2013
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    • Councillor 3 Gold
    • Wired for Logic
    • Top Forum Contributor
    Currently there is no reason to ever have any station other than your homebase but I do believe strategic resources are planned. When fleets are more fleshed out and crew and colonies are added we should get things like passive resource generation from colonies. It's not exactly clear how all these mechanics will work out but I imagine it would be more beneficial to invade and occupy an enemy's colony then spend time and resources building your own. This also will force factions to expand and own territory outside of their home base.