The problem isn\'t the limit on the speed, the problem is getting between sectors is a pain in the ass. A new device, like a Mass Relay, either player controlled or maintained by the trading guild, would solve this problem quite nicely. Mass Effect was not by any means Hard Sci Fi, but it did present great ideas as solutions to the problem of FTL.
I recently turned my servers top speed up to 200, and I noticed the universe seemed a lot smaller. also, my tiny ships could travel at the same top speed as my gargantuan behemoth class, which makes very little sense considering a ship with larger engines and more energy cores should be much faster. (not accelerating faster, just have a higher top speed, like a warp speed as opposed to impulse engines)
My suggestion would be to increase top speed to somewhere like 100kms, but make that threshold much harder to reach, and to make it dependant on the engines. exmp: A small fighter would be able to menuver much faster, but would top out at 30kms (depending on engines) A massive ship would have VERY limited turning and menuvering capabilities, but would be able to travel closer to the 100kms speed. This still does not get you places very fast, and I know that others who will want to expand thier empire will want to zip around much faster. The Mass Relay (or whatever) would be able to shoot any ship that activates it several sectors away, (always along an x,y,z co-ord to make things simple and to increase the need to build multiples) depending on how many energy cores it has along with the relay devices. You could calibrate it by taking some of the devices away or changing the settings in its \"weapons\" menu.
what do you guys think? Am I overthinking this?