2 questions

    Aug 14, 2012
    Reaction score
    Hi schema,

    Is there a way we can turn off the debug text (the text on the left of the screen) so that we can take nice screenshots?

    Also, do you intend to introduce a way to rotate blocks in the future, so that we might rotate the direction of weapons for example, or rotate the direction of a cockpit?
    Aug 14, 2012
    Reaction score
    Thanks, dude! That is really good for changing the direction of the blocks, but I'm still finding that regardless the direction a weapon or cockpit block is facing they still look and fire "forward" in the same direction as the core. I was hoping changing the direction of the block would allow you to look out the port/starboard/rear/front of your ship, depending on where your cockpit is. Same for firing weapons. (able to fire weapons from the side, rear, etc)

    PS. Is there a manual or wiki somewhere?
    Aug 10, 2012
    Reaction score
    no wiki yet but if you have questions ask them to beetlebear hes mostly on the server


    Cat God
    Feb 17, 2012
    Reaction score
    • Schine
    You can also turn of the debug text in the options menu (press escape)

    If you want no gui at all for screen shots, use tab+g to turn the whole gui on/off. don't forget that the setting is saved. If you end the game with no gui, you will start the game again with no gui (just letting you know because that confused me one time)

    if you want to reset all options to default, just delete the settings.cfg from your starmade directory

    - schema
    Aug 9, 2012
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I take advantage of that existing topic to ask questions too :)

    First i wanted to know if Space Stations are categorised as a special Entity (like ships) or they actually can be build by players without anything special requiered (like core for ships)

    Then, if it possible to build ourselves space stations (or any orbital/spatial structures) how can we build them ? Actually we cant build something from nothing (ships need a core first) & if you build from something else (asteroid for exemple) the object will be reconized as the object you building from.

    Im asking it because i want try to build some orbital stuff to test.

    Now some noobies questions ><
    Do you need some specific conditions to use a docking module ? Because i build some dock module on a ship to install turret later but i cant fix any ship to the docking modul but on my other ship, in the hangar bay, docking bay works well, maybe because they "inside" the ship ?

    How landing module are supposed to work ? Because in the preview of spacetions, you were just closing in & magicaly the ship just get in docking position.
    Jun 9, 2012
    Reaction score
    currently you cant make a space station from a core you place yourself.
    You can however use the build module to edit existing ones. Also there should be a blank space station at sector 0,0,0 but this might have been taken out.

    You could make a really big ship as your orbital station which might work better if not as good as a reguler space station. for one you can move the ship.

    landing strips are more about designing a ship from a different perspective. so you could design your ship from outside instead of inside it. I think the other intention was for landing strips to be used to make ships on planets with gravity. So instead of being stuck on the ground with your core, your core will instead be floating with enoguh space to make a ship.