[14th of April] Schine Bi-weekly Q&A

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    Count Duku
    Sep 4, 2013
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    • Schine
    Welcome to our bi-weekly Q&A!

    Questions have been closed.

    Qustions taking will close on the 20th of April, 11:15 PM UTC.

    Ask any question about StarMade or its development, and we'll try out best to answer it in a forum answer thread posted every two weeks (provided it's not a secret). Depending on how many questions are asked, we may have to move questions from this session to be answered in subsequent sessions (or, skipped).

    • Please ensure that your question has not been asked previously. If it has been asked in a previous QA and listed on the answer later pile (not skipped), you may repeat it t
    • Keep responses on this thread to: posting questions, notifying an author of a question that it has already been posted, and expanding on already asked questions.
    • One question per person. This helps us make sure we can answer everyone's questions and have more time to go into detail! If you have multiple questions, try and get a friend to ask one :)
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    Wiki Administrator
    Sep 10, 2013
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    In the Universe update will there be instanced-style points of interest/missions?

    For example: Ancient warp gates that players can happen upon that will take them to a sector where treasure, enemies, ect. exists. it could be through a shipyard test mode style sector or just have the warp gate transport the player to a random sector extremely far away from the "normal" play area (Similar to how the game handles the tutorial station).

    Will there be loot-only blocks?

    Such as weapon systems and other tech that can only acquired by looting them from POI chests or buying them from a shop/ another player. For example reintroducing the old docking system as "Lost technology" that would allow ships (even ones with rail dockers) to dock to something without worrying about their ship's clearance. The dock would make the ship float slightly above the ground like before.
    Sep 3, 2015
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    Well, will have a character equipment section? like, a specific place to land the helmet for this one to keep equipped, and another featured itens like an space suit more advanced, mag boots, an oxygen tank and equipments for exploration integrated on a separated interface designed specially for the character? and the other weapons and direct combat are planned? (combat between astronauts out of the ships)
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    Dec 10, 2017
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    The universe update calls for a complete overhaul of the Starmade universe. What I'm wondering is whether this will include any changes in the way planets and systems perform or interact with each other. I'm thinking of something along the lines of what KSP does or what Elite: Dangerous has. I'm imagining that in addition to the rotation of planets, the planets should also revolve around their stars, along with stations and such. It is for realism as much practicality. I imagine that location tracking will eventually change in some way or another if this happens. Locations would probably go from sectors to orbital ranges, with the creation of new orbital ranges with stations maybe being possible. It would definitely give the universe a much more lively and dynamic feel. I'm not specifically suggesting this kind of thing, but I'm wondering if such large-scale changes to universe dynamics will be possible during or following the universe update. That is what I want to know.
    Aug 9, 2014
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    Will there be a background update, I remember when we had the kind of old background, which looked like the backgrounds we have now, but more vibrant with alot more stars and more colours. Or maybe we can create some backgrounds or something? To summarize:
    -Will the backgrounds get improved
    -Will there be an option that makes you create your own backgrounds, for example images from the internet, google?
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    Sep 27, 2013
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    Right now, while building a ship, there are a number of frustrating complexities such as power worms and punishing integrity that result in a wall of stats in the build mode menu that require an hour or two of studying to properly understand, not to mention even more hours spent just to get a ship design to work. It's hard to learn and not fun to use. Are there any plans to streamline the building process? (e.g. removing stabilizers to eliminate all of these issues and then making interior spaces serve the functionality of chambers, thus giving interior space serve a purpose, developing targetable sub-systems in the form of interior rooms, and making the building system much more intuitive)
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    Jul 30, 2017
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    Will the universe update introduce some interesting interactions with the Trade Guild, such as trading deals for resources, buying and selling ships, and getting visited by trade freighters? Can they hire players to go fight pirates for them?
    Will we be able to interact with the pirates in different ways, like paying them a bribe to leave us alone for a while, or hiring them to go harass another player?
    Will the NPC animals be introduced in play, and will we be able to collect them as pets?
    Oct 28, 2013
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    When can we expect LUA support to be implemented? And what will be controllable by LUA?

    I personally prefer to control pretty much everything with programming, because I am human and I have ambitions.

    EDIT: Btw, we could even use LUA to make our own build tools.
    Oct 24, 2017
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    I was wondering what the future plans are for warheads and generally for close quarters weapons. With pulse being removed rather than updated, it suggests starmade may be moving away from close range combat all together. It certainly has a lot of issues and I could understand why you'd want to focus on other weapon types. Will warheads be touched on in the weapon update (and beyond), and will anything be replacing the niche pulse weapons filled?
    Jul 1, 2013
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    With the weapons update, will turret and ship ai be getting improvements to how they choose targets, or even a way for players to define things like desired engagement range and preferred target mass for a specific ship/turret? If not in this update cycle, then when or even will ai targetting and player involvement in it be getting revisited?

    Also, from that now-ancient gif it appears a single planet might have multiple biomes and water features on its surface. Is that actually the case or even planned?
    How will you handle alien biology in relation to biomes? On worlds where purple tentacles and glowing mushrooms dominate as flora, will there still be deserts (with little vegetation or specialized vegetation to the local climate) or biomes where one form of flora is more or less abundant/large than it would be in another?
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    Dark Lord of the Sith
    Aug 29, 2016
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    Regarding planets, what radius will the new ones have? At the very least, what are you aiming for? Are they going to be one sole piece, will they be destructible, and will mining them from orbit still be possible, or has that finally been removed?
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    Dec 9, 2015
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    can we get a key combination to connect wireless modules with wireless modules on other entitys without leaving build mode?
    Jan 14, 2016
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    Thank you for replying to my previous question regarding the current pirate (and other) stations, etc. I would like to delve further into your current plans (if any) for a generic aggressive faction within the game?

    For example, will the pirates become an NPC faction of sorts with the goal not to mine asteroids as such but to attack other factions a steal their resources by actively attacking mining and cargo ships and physically picking up loot clouds from wrecked ships? Pirates would start to randomly appear in claimed systems and begin attacking the ruling faction and maybe some of the "nostalgic" stations could be generated in void systems for players to find and attack.
    Feb 22, 2018
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    Will there be any fixes to the warp gates? They currently seem to be looking for stored power and aren't yet updated for power 2.0.

    More specifically you can only jump a ship of about 20 mass reliably. Anything larger will flash low power/mass messages. Even at 3million power I can't move a ship weighing 105 mass.

    Are there plans to fix this with the weapons update? Or will we be waiting for the Universe to drop?

    A simple "Weapons/Universe" is enough of an answer for me :D
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    Apr 14, 2018
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    hi, I recently test the demo and I fastly reward you by buying it. You make a good job, and keep a good relation with player is rare.
    To introduce my questions :
    I'am a big "delay user", and infortunalty can't use them in a trusting way (ironic for logic system ! ), as game clock hang on lags and is "timed client side", who become really, really, rogue in MP. So I can't trust in long term delayed loops. A simple exemple is to interpose salvage+pulse (15sec x2), about 1 minutes 30 (6 shots), I got 2 to 5 sec of extra delay between shots, it is noticeable !

    There is plan to give more sense and pertinence to mine and craft (no play on words) blocs ? I explain me :
    • About salvage :
      Actually blocs have a salvage HP, I found infortunate that all blocs have same HP : sands as Heavy blocks. But aside That's mean theorically that if somebody hit 199HP of all blocs of an asteroid, then pass behind him make me get blocks "instantly". I mean salvage is more an extract/teleportation (a get action) , contrariwise to harvest (mine) who is more a processing on material to get. Thinking to Minecraft, Where get a bloc is based on time and if you abort action, then have to restart. it's really funny because I think that's make more sense that Minecraft Use an HP for blocs (harvest) and Starmade use a time to recover (Salvage).
      Do you use HP because Clock game isn't stable at all ? If not, think could be better (and may more light processing) to use a time per bloc to salvage, where power of salvage beam is a reductor of time and each blocs have a different duration.
    • About crafting : it's seems to me that recips to craft are too unreal and "copy/pasted".
      • Get shards and you get basic materials for all crafts !
        Get a capsule and composite bloc , then appear by magic a module !
        I mean everything come/make from shards and ores, as we have all the rests and only 2 type of component make everythings . Add basics materials in salvages and vary in recips could be really interesting. Such as some Metals, liquids to collect and use in more complexe recips.
      • All kinds of shards and ore are visually same except color and same too in trnasformation, craft usage. It's boring !

    Do you envisage make thrusters more than a principe in the ship construction, then make an interesting thrusters reaction et placing and a real (pleasant) navigation control ? Because with the actual complex physic management, thrusters are shame !
    Detailling :
    • Separate Translational and Rotation :
      • Translational : Actually it's as we have a 2 axe moving thrusters, who make propulsion ship in the wanted direction (then accelerate or reduce speed).
        That is make me think that turret dock should have aside fleet, ship, turret,... THRUSTER. Then the "turret" move in the opposite direction of the directive movement ask by player !
      • Rotation : What is the actual object who make rotate ships ?!? even without thrusters an hudge ship can move in all direction it's annoying !
        This point left as actual make this mechanic dumb.
        Add such alltitude tool to rotation seems basic, no ?
    • Put your thrusters in center of your ship, that's not important ! That's should and always be a feable because have to put them external.
      Applying trust in the direction where thrusters really are ! (in a straight line).
      A thrust base calcul on the straight line deviation ( reduce when lowering a protective muzzle, invalidate when solid bloc obstructing or not "connected to exterior"), this calcul could be done only when exiting build mode.

    Aside the demo is complete and totaly free, restrict some unessential thing couldn't be positive to people who "forget" that's they play freelly and your food isn't ?
    As disable some tools in build mode : copy/paste, symmetric only on one axe. load personnal blueprint.

    Thank you in advance for answers. And thanks for taking time to asnwer to players !
    Dec 14, 2014
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    Regarding explorer role in Starmade and astronaut equipment.
    Have you considered making astronaut equipment build-able like ships or customizable in any other way (i.e in fact every astronaut tool could be considered as a hand-held ship that is scaled down and triggers a weapon module on click).

    Energy swords for astronauts!
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    Sep 18, 2014
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    Vertical ship factions & building when ?
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