
    1. Green-Knight-44


      Hello Everyone. So I looked through my profile settings and I selected the settings to auto-add my badges as they come. I know at the very least I have the "Purchased a Copy" badge. But it's nowhere to be found. Any suggestions? Did I register wrong??
    2. waski35

      (SMWM) Star Made Web Manager

      SMWM is a tool for Starmade Dedicated server's admins using doomsiders shadow to view server's stats, logs, and all doomsiders data in more elegant fashion than using phpmyadmin and logging into db. I'm working on more features giving ability to control server instance and manage more game...
    3. Aesthetics

      Aesthetican Navy Recruitment

      Made in the Aesthetican Navy We're recruiting. Start your story with the Aesthetican Navy here. The Aesthetican Navy is a very varied faction, and a member state of the Union of Intergalactic States. We spend most of our time building pretty, combat-worthy ships, currently. Current Member...
    4. Achriel

      Suggestion Community Content versioning

      I made a suggestion in the game suggestion forum bit perhaps it should be here instead (being it's website related and not really part of the 'game' itself). The original post is here Community Content (pre-rails separation). What I suggest is a simply flag on uploaded Community Content as to...
    5. Achriel

      Bug Vote Term 2 Council

      The 'Vote Term 2 Council' in the Council tab spits and error at me: 403 Forbidden Code: AccessDenied Message: Access Denied RequestId: 2CCFD19FD467FCFF HostId: 0fSLfGHRIN6AYs0HRNTag2BnaFlsZ+2Lu7NpmvyqigWGH3mIAjaQeLuktROgQeik Perhaps voting is closed but the error shouldn't be there.