
    1. Fellow Starmadian

      torpedo variants v2 proto

      These torpedoes were created for matt bradock's torpedo challenge! While I was messing around with configurations for torpedoes, I was able to create these. ----------------------------- This is the first torpedo I came up with, which targets missiles. It only activates it's push computer once...
    2. Fellow Starmadian

      Torpedo magazine v1 proto

      Finished my V1 of the torpedo magazine! All the logic is integrated into the device, and includes a safety, firing cycle, and torpedo staggering (making sure the missiles are spaced out). All that is needed to connect the magazine to a main ship is 2 wireless blocks. I didn't add the wireless...
    3. Matt_Bradock

      BUILD CHALLENGE: Torpedoes, launchers, magazines!

      HERE'S MY FIRST BUILD CHALLENGE IDEA, FOLKS! Since warhead torpedoes are a very popular actual topic right now, I guess it's time to whip out your designs and amaze each other! So, the challenge is as follows: Build self-propelled warhead torpedoes! Extra credit for guidance system and...
    4. Captainredfox

      Type-16 Patrol Corvette 1.0

      From right From front-right Cockpit, very red Shield: 118,000 @ 7,969/sec Length: 66 Height: 27 Width: 43 Power: 300,000 @ 140,500/sec Thrust: 906 Mass: 1282.6 The Type-16 is the predecessor of the Type-18 corvette. Although retired from active duty these once common vessels are still...