systems 2.0

    1. MacThule

      Systems 2.0 Wiki Pages

      I've started dumping some brief header stubs into the official wiki covering core Systems 2.0 concepts, starting from Reactors. Please feel free to jump in, it hasn't been updated for a long while and needs a lot of help. I am focusing on giving succinct, meaningful overviews of systems right...
    2. MacThule

      Armor system function & goal

      We are all seemingly in agreement that armor needs to be strengthened, and there is some extensive discussion about 'how,' I wonder if we aren't putting the cart before the horse. We can't wisely propose means of improving armor unless we have in mind a clear function for armor. Is the goal for...
    3. Benevolent27

      Server Admin Requests for Systems 2.0

      Hello! So I'm loving all the customization available in the chamber system, HOWEVER, I have a few suggestions here so that servers can start utilizing these features that you spent so much time creating for us! (Thank you by the way! :D) As a server admin, my focus is on providing unique...
    4. Exozen

      What makes a good mechanic?

      IT'S TIME TO STOP AND THINK I mean, really... really really reeeaaallllllyyy... just... STOP. Stop and think: What makes a good mechanic? This whole Systems 2.0 Update we can blame Schema for- but I honestly don't know who's really behind the wheel of these horrible ideas. Every devbuild one...