shield efficiency

    1. osXFan

      Shield/Armor Changes/Improvement Ideas.

      Shield vs Armor, but why can't they work together? Shields could reduce a percentage of damage, not take an ammount of damage, you can upgrade this and coustomize the charicteristics of this... want 100% damage reduction rate? Defence chamber just add a the tree and upgrade it. but lets say you...
    2. downedpilot

      New game mechanics that would diversify combat

      As we all know, combat in StarMade is very bland and seems to repeat the same formula, fire all your weapons as fast as you can and if your shields go down, give up, but I believe with the addition of some new features as well as the upcoming crewsystem will allow combat in StarMade to become...
    3. S

      Rejected Shield management

      Shield Management Hi Today I look to the shields; Their mechanism is pretty simple, that's why i have this: This is an exmple: the shield surround the ship without touching the blocs. With this we cand do an improvement, their management: The circles is an representation of the shield...
    4. N

      Shield Shape Bonuses

      This is an entirely new idea that has never come up before on forums, as far as I can tell, so I'm starting a thread about it, with my own ideas. The Issue Currently in starmade if you take a ship and only show certain parts, most parts show dynamic infrastructures, grids running across the...
    5. Andale The Great

      Andale’s Shield Designs (adds the need to think)

      While this is made of several small ideas I will be presenting it as a single suggestion to give a better impression of what will be the overall method for shields using my methods. The only new block I suggest is a connector that I will call the Cable Module. A multipurpose block used for...
    6. P

      Shield efficiency as an optional config value

      I suggest adding a shield efficiency value in config. It would define how much damage is absorbed by shield and how much will pass through. Value should be between 0.01 and 1 (1% and 100%) So 0.95 would mean that 95% of the damage is done to shield and 5% will be done to blocks. Some hardcode...