server config

    1. Q

      Battle Mode setup - PLease Help

      Hi everyone! I have a question. I came up with this battle mode thing, but how i can setup it? I mostly dont understand this part: BATTLE_MODE_FACTIONS = [TeamA, fighters, 500,500,500, 0.5,0.1,0.9];[TeamB, fighters, -500,-500,-500, 0.5,0.9,0.2];[TeamFFA,ffa, 0,0,-500...
    2. La Phyzz

      Fixed -:- Private dedicated Server has suddenly started to bug out.

      Ok so I'm new to Starmade I've been playing for just over 3 weeks, I've had the server up for less than a week and I on it fine until about 14 hours ago. Now I stream as was recommend but everyone watching to change the max build area from 10 to 100, which I did about 2 hours ago. After I...
    3. Micro753

      Clean up server.cfg

      Many of the options that are related are not in the same area: The server.cfg file should be changed to group all of the similar options together. This will make finding the specific option you want to change easier. It took me way too long to get my server's settings just the way I wanted them...
    4. Tunk

      Random and range options for recipe output configuration

      Pretty much a option for server owners or custom configs. Useful for things like scrapping, recycling and resource recipes. Would be useful if the output products had a xml property or tag that allowed outputs to mark the output as random with a percentage or 1/x chance. A range option for the...
    5. Z

      A Trade Gate is?...

      Under the faction configuration there is this setting.. <ThresholdTakenRadiusForTradeGates>15</ThresholdTakenRadiusForTradeGates> </BasicValues> </FactionPointGalaxy> What does it do/mean/exists because Schema wanted to mess with server ops?
    6. Code North

      Nonlinar Power-consumption for Weapons

      I started to "mod" my bock-config (please tell me that counts as modding in this sub), dreaming to turn Starmade to somthing that it isnt, but i like it to be. So question is: <PowerConsumption style="buff" inverse="true" value="x" linear="true" /> Slaves allow for ajusting the power...
    7. N

      Read by Council Server chat message change for better filtering/processing (Warning:coder geek content)

      I'm working on a script for Linux that monitors chat messages. The only issue is that, if a player types square brackets into chat, they are passed through un-escaped which is problematic for reliable processing: [CHANNELROUTER] RECEIVED MESSAGE ON Server(0)...
    8. NoK0mm3nt

      Split server.cfg into -defaults and -overrides

      Instead of having a single server.cfg file that is a mix of installation-time defaults and manual overrides, a practice I've seen really help with config management is to split the 2 purposes into distinct files. server-defaults.cfg This file is overwritten at every upgrade/installation. It is...
    9. AssIn9

      Server Side Chat settings.

      IMO global chat should be Admin only. Chat should be your loaded sectors only or disabled. I propose server config settings to control chat permissions, distance and History. Faction chat would be still global. One idea was to make out of starsystem chat have a delay dependent on distance.