
    1. isonori

      BiPanel class freighter 1.0

      This is 2 salvaged plates welded together, created by unknown faction in an attempt to build something flyable with cargo pod on board. This ship has USD(remaining on one of plates), a salvaged booster of Inter-Steller Missile which powers entire ship, remaining thruster(with cool blue stripe)...
    2. Jake_Lancia

      TRV Origins Frigate - Rusted V1.0

      Origins-class Light Frigate Detailed further here: Origins-class The Origins-class Light Frigate is a very old Trident vessel that has been around ever since the beginning of Trident. Ships of the class used to be found patrolling the spacelanes around the Trident home base and other...
    3. sayerulz

      Read by Council Changing how scrap works: how to make abandoned stations useful again

      So, I have noticed that it is fairly commonly agreed that salvaging abandoned stations simply isn't worth the trouble since they made them yield only scrap. This is due to the fact that scrap is only used for making into metal mesh and crystal composite- these being materials that, unless one...
    4. Xacktar

      Xacktar's Fleet Submission 3 2016-05-05

      The Scrapyard Runners have visited every major battle in the galaxy. Usually a few days after it was over. They clean up the wrecks and re-purpose them, selling the parts and ships they can and using the ones they can't. They fly an amalgamation of different parts all wielded together and...