
    1. Scypio

      Python script to change BlockConfig.xml hitpoint value

      Disclaimer : Always back up your files before changing them. I cannot be held responsible if you somehow mess up your configs and they become unusable. I won't provide any support for this script as it works as it is and should be functionning unless schine change their BlockConfig.xml...
    2. wizerdwolf

      StarMade Skin Compiler 2018-06-18

      StarMade-Skin-Compiler A Python 3 script for automatically compiling collections of skin textures into StarMade .smskin files. GitHub: ctl106/StarMade-Skin-Compiler Note: While I listed the "Game version" as the version I currently have installed, it should work for any version with the...
    3. wizerdwolf

      Anyone familiar with the ship blueprint template files and PFP (Python File Parser)?

      (I hope I put this in the correct section! XD ) I don't want to reveal what specifically I'm working on atm, but at this stage, it's not gotten to anything that will be specific to my program. My issue arises when trying to use PFP to parse the binary files with the blueprint template files...