
    1. NagasGuardian

      Directed Hyperspace Inhibitors, Jammers, & Sensor Packages

      In summary, this request has been extended to expand on play counterplay experienced in star made. I am not fully familiar with all the mechanics of this game yet please bear with me. I would like to propose a modification of current systems or addition of modification blocks that alter the...
    2. scream323

      Hyper Space and Hyper Space Networking

      I've had this idea for a while, but I'v decided to write it down here as an actual suggestion. The idea has already been suggested I'm also pretty sure it's already going to be an in game thing. Even so I will explain the entire as idea as if I was suggest without such prior knowledge...
    3. Promethesus

      Hyper speed Travel

      We have a jump computer to have us jump a few sectors almost instantly. But require a Recharge before being able to be used again. A Hyper-Speed System, allows us to remain in a Hyper-speed Tunnel that looks something like this...
    4. wolfboyft

      Actual hyperspace

      Move around fast (but obviously turn at 50 times less ROTATION speed for the sake of destination-plotting, if you know what I mean) in HYPERSPACE!! Bullet point form, because why not. Add jump-drive assistance beams: if inhibitors are the drainers, then assistance beams are the suppliers. Add...