easy implemention

    1. R

      Small Simple Requests

      logic activation for Transporters Please comment below your very small simple suggestions similar to this one in scope. Clearly separate your simple suggestion from your short explanation like this. maybe 100 words as a guideline.
    2. R

      Storage Remove Confirm Prompt

      please for the love of god add a prompt when attempting to remove storage blocks with items in saying this storage block still has items in it are you sure you want to remove it i cant tell you how stressful and upsetting it is to accidentally destroy it and rush franticly to store everything...
    3. DrTarDIS

      shipyard dock to center of dimensions.

      Stop docking to the core in a shipyard. have the ship "dock" to it's center-of-dimensions. this will move as the ship is expanded upon, This small change will allow every single 45*45*45 ship to dock/be built in a 50*50*50 shipyard. The current mechanics would require all those 45^3 ships to...
    4. RogueXenoRenegade

      Read by Council Make Copy and pasted blocks link with selected controllers

      We have all been there, your building something on a large scale and your making the weapon battery or some other giant thing and then you need to slowly link each group separately. I propose that paste checks if you have a controller block selected with c and tries to apply both the master of...
    5. NeonSturm

      Recognized by Council Advanced hotkey settings

      It would also be nice to have hotkeys for these settings. No need to choose custom ones, :schema: should just implement an advanced config text-input or line-by-line input: if "context" use "hotkey" for "action" action can be "do buildmode.xplus" or "context buildmode" or "combo buildmode" "do"...