drop ship

    1. Tshara

      WS Bread Box 1.0

      Jokingly named the Bread Box the name stuck. Now this boxy drop ship is the main work horse for rapid delivery of goods to planetary outposts. With its twin cargo lifts it can move goods from its hull to the landing site in record time. In addition, with its vectored thrust modules it is...
    2. TheLordZee

      Firestorm Class Dropship 1.0

      A dropship capable of carrying 12 men and a decent amount of cargo. Side view: Top View: Bottom View: Back View:
    3. BoomMicGuy

      SCS-Raven-DropShip 1.0

      A small drop ship that can hold up to six troops comfortably in the drop pod that can be detached on planets or any location in general. The ship has only a 220 shield and a small auto cannon for anti infantry.
    4. Kextractor

      Star Wars LAAT/i 2017-12-09

      This LAAT/i was used in my previous post: the CHIBI Acclamator. It's pretty well known and really meant for role play. It has a decent cabin for it's size and emergency lights. Wookiepedia: Low Altitude Assault Transport/infantry
    5. aimingpopy

      ERZ13-DropShip MKI 2016-11-12

      Here You Go, Thought That with the recent updates (cutting torch) it would be good to make a crew carrier vessel. more desc coming soon. 30min speed build Future updates will include a wall blocking the lava and a small jump drive aswell as more power.
    6. Gmodism

      GI_Purplexed Mk1

      The Gmodism Industries Purplexed Mark 1 This vessel is optimal for planetary landings and base-to-base travel and family trips! 4 seats and 4 doors for everyone's convenience! :) Some Features: -Anti-Gravity for planetary landing. -Docking Compatibility: Underside Docker. -Lightweight...
    7. Markus_McCloud

      Police Dropship 1.0

      Hello, everyone! It's Markus_McCloud with another entry for my police force. What would be the space equivalent of a SWAT truck? Why, a dropship, of course! And a dropship is exactly what I've uploaded. As you can see, the cockpit is a bit cozy. The lights toggle from red to green via Inner...
    8. cowmaster14

      SBS-haymaker 2015-12-20

      SBS_HAYMAKER Welcome to the SBS-haymaker, a small tier 1 ship made by Yaboian industries after their long time away, they have made a line that is capable of all of the latest technology. Hence, the first of it's like the SBS-haymaker. Take this ship and fly anywhere that you please the...
    9. Stike7g5

      CT-5024-c SkipRay-II Cargo DropShip 2.0

      CT-5024-C SkipRay-II Cargo DropShip More About the Ship Stats: Mass:125.8 (mass without the Cargo container) Mass:166.2 (mass with an empty cargo container) Length: 32m Width: 23m Height: 8m Power: 50,000e @8,303.3e/sec Shield: 220s @0s/sec Thrust: 305.8 (183%) Structure Hitpoints...