display blocks

    1. NeonSturm

      Using display blocks to name adjacent blocks

      If you want to name a rail-block with an adjacent display module you should be able to do it with: display module: input/text (example): "[named above]myRailDocker" content/text (auto): "[named ±±±]myRailDocker@±XXX±YYY±ZZZ" displays/text (auto): "myRailDocker@±XXX±YYY±ZZZ" (similar to...
    2. DrTarDIS

      AI, display modules, Scripting. Possible low-cost improvements. Plea for tools

      Thinking of the insatiable derpyness of AI, and thinking fondly of the days of CS server-bots, I had an epiphany. The LUA stuff gave me an idea of the way development seems to be planned. What if The Ai not-oly had a default set of scripted actions, they could be over-ridden by an active...
    3. GalactusX

      Display block command [SEARCH-COMPARE]

      Currently, we can "compare" if two or more display blocks contain the same written text, this is very useful, but we also need the "search-compare" command. This means, if we have a sample text, it search if in another ( or more ) display block, it contain that sample text. 1º display block...
    4. Space Shaman

      Display Module Formating and Number Crunching

      Display blocks have some severe limitations: Creating images is a chore born of character width The newer ship variables you can now display can't be modified in many ways one would want and in fact expect. List of solutions: Formatting: Add a monospaced option. This should take the form of a...
    5. Snapems

      Display Module - [PARSE]

      Hi, I would like to suggest adding [PARSE] to the "Advanced Codes" in the display module. For reference please look at the table: Display Module - StarMade Wiki Much like [ADD], [REPLACEALL] it "must be in the very front". Here's what it does: You put "[PARSE]My Favorite Sector: [sector]" in...
    6. Tomatart_B

      Hologram Display modules

      Imagine this, a custom block that when placed projects a 3x3 hologram that you can then type on like a display module, or even add images of a ship blueprint, a map, chats, ect. The hologram would be flat. If you placed the block on the ground it would project the hologram vertically above the...
    7. Jaaskinal

      Display information storage 1

      This blueprint contains two useful logic contraptions, one to encode four bit logic inputs into hexadecimal in a display, and one to decode the last hexadecimal number on a display. There are displays on the blueprint that explain the interactive pieces of the logic, everything else should just...
    8. jstenholt

      Read by Council Rail Dockers Linked to Displays

      A seemingly simple suggestion that has the potential to expand the newly expanded (and amazing) display block functionality. A way to transmit display block changes across entities. This could be done in a similar manner to how the new display block adjacent to an activator works. For...
    9. therimmer96

      Read by Schine Logic copying display blocks

      The same way logic can be used to change the orientation of rails, can we get it so that logic can copy text from display blocks? Systems would be able to actually output more detailed status displays :)