
    1. JumpSuit

      Ship Cord-Cabling

      So, in a previous suggest I had done, I said something along the lines of re-route-able power cables going through out the ship, and gave an example. Well I am thinking Pipes that connect a storage to another storage, an example of this is Minecraft Buildcraft Pipes, or Better, Space Engineer...
    2. Lukwan

      Ship Grappler (or Harpoon)

      Why should the astronaut have all the fun? This idea may be unworkable for technical reasons but I'll ask anyway. Is it possible to make a ship based Grapple gun or Harpoon? This would anchor a ship to a station or a planet and resist pull effects (of gravity and tertiary). It would usable to...
    3. TrickyNicky27

      Vega Class Cruiser V.1

      This ship was also built in survival, and was built with the lower decks being like those old hallways with color coated support pillars, reminiscent of a time long forgotten with all the new details added to the game. Features a nice Café, spacious hangar, med bay, escape pod launch bay, lower...
    4. kilemeino

      Read by Council tow chains/ harpoons

      first off i want to state that, apparently the idea of a physical towing linkage is not new. Tow Chains there are three parts to this idea: 1. the launcher the block can act like a unlinked missile launcher. the computer will have two slave ports. launch modifier, and ability. as the launch...
    5. Insane Randomness

      Making an ACTUAL carrier

      OK, so for my biggest and baddest ship, I decided on a supercarrier, mainly because, whilest I love giant dreadnoughts, carriers are far more interesting and dynamic. I find it entertaining that, even in the real world, carriers work really well. They can hit far beyond the ranges of...