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    1. Sir Starlin Vander

      my Navis is on build

      just looking feedback. this is my Mors Navis build. it will be a mobile space base Class. more picture to come
    2. Sir Starlin Vander

      Turret reset

      Can these commands be implemented via a command block or logic system Turret reset when not being used Triggering an output via a block to reset ALL turret I am only asking as I wasn't once yet able to have a fully working turret bay that worked due to the turrets not lining up with the...
    3. Sir Starlin Vander

      hey there i am starlin vander

      hi there. i am Starlin Vander long time fan of the game... just got into talking to others as of late and wondering if i can get advice this is just a turret bay i have designed my self for a mothership maybe bigger class of ship that i am building