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    1. Z

      Drone systems failing to deploy/ NullPointerException when attempting to launch the system

      I've spent a bit trying to get these to work, but to no avail. The Drone Deployment Unit was meant to be a single use, "press a button and it launches" sort of thing. Single tests with the standalone unit 'usually' succeed, though I've had more than a few times where the game bugged and what was...
    2. Z

      What is wrong with this design...? (Attached .sment file)

      I'm honestly dumbfounded and a little irritated now, because there 'shouldn't ' be a problem here. The original drone setup that this was made as a blueprint from worked FINE, But this... it gives an error, and half the drones disappear. Well, to be precise 1/4 the drones vanish, one from each side.
    3. Z

      Questions about Carriers, and how to actually set one up.

      So, I've been fiddling around for a while now, and since I'm rebuilding a newer, "bigger" ship (pfft... still puny compered to the norm for StarMade) I was wanting to ask a few things. 1: !s it possible to "split" a rail reliably? I was hoping to use 1-2 rails to guide drones into a docking...
    4. Z

      How to repair the HP of a ship? (COnsole commands or otherwise)

      Okay, so this isn't "Noob 101: Shipyards or Astrotech Beams". This is an honest question, as it's irking me. While building a ship in singleplayer, Pirates attacked and 'happened' to be flying one of my bigger ship designs. I wasn't 100% finished with the ship, however it was FAR too much along...