I actually wanted to test out the new weapons systems today but before that wanted to see what's up on the forums...
To summarize:
Cannons are useless and can potentially crash the game if used as turrets.
Missiles are way too overpowered.
The new effect systems are basically just...
That is exactly my point. Why over complicate something when it can work on its own just fine? The points mentioned in the OP are all mechanics which gives and advantage to a weapon system which makes them superior in all cases against a stock system. That means that you in fact HAVE to use them...
I don't see how this would add fun to the game. It's just additional unnecessary complexity which makes an already pretty complicated system harder to work with both for the players and the developers.
A simple system with clear design is much more appealing to work with than one cluttered with...
"Several optimizations have been made to the game." -> Makes me really happy to read this every time. Still long ways to go though.
Unfortunately I'm no longer motivated enough to try out the new systems and play around with it enough to possibly encounter problems which I could report. I have...
The biggest problem with integrity other than the unnecessary restrictions is the addition of another game mechanic which makes combat even more laggy. Large scale combat in StarMade as far as I know has never been something which could be labeled even the tiniest bit smooth due to the countless...
Raisinbat Man you are a pretty hardcore critic for sure. More like a raging critic than just a troll though.
You brought up some pretty valid points for sure I feel and I agree with most of what you said. Schine is just an amateur development team with big dreams they don't really understand...
I think they already defend themselves with spawning in allied defender ships as a response to threats to their stations. You can also make so that your station does attack any non-faction approaching vessel while you are offline. However these features are meaningless since the NPC faction...
Based on what has been announced so far I would guess the universe update will probably be the most feature-full update this game ever received. Since the power and weapon systems revamp already took a lot of time and will probably still take some till they are fully realized I would also guess...
^^These^^ two points are your strongest but most of your suggestions sound a bit like "I want this to work as such" and not like "This would be objectively the best".
Really simple way to deal with stations: Make home stations destructible by other players. BOOM... 10 birds with one stone.
I actually appreciate your concern and would agree with most of what you said however, I think your question is wrong. It's not the matter of who would spend more money on such games but who would spend their time on such games. (Time is money jokes HAhah) It's not enough just to buy a game, the...
Judging by the Steam statistics for some reason they actually do.
There is a strong emphasis on the word concurrent.
If we say the average playing time is 2 hours and say that graph has a median of 50 players for 48 hours means roughly about 500 players booting up the game around the globe...
Dude it's in pre-alpha... it's not even an open alpha yet like StarMade. Though I would like to hear what is that you consider "gameplay" which SM has but SW doesn't :)
Following the development of StarMade for nearly 2 years and playing as much as i did I can tell the phase at which features are developed for it is really slow. Following the activity on the forums every now and than I can also tell that the developers are doing an amateur job at communicating...
First of all maybe deal with the overheating issue?
Second i don't think StarMade makes backup saves of the world. Your shutdown most likely happened during an attempt to overwrite an existing save file and it got corrupted.
Your best option would be to learn from this mistake and monitor the...
I hate to pop your ballon but just because there are many developers still trying to appeal with new voxel-based games doesn't mean people are still interested in them. In fact even the great Minecraft's playerbase is already slowly but surely disappearing which is a trend in most voxel-based...
As I'm writing this review StarMade is the second most played game in my steam library right before Kerbal Space Program. Do I recommend this game?
Short answer: Absolutely NOT!
Long answer:
As of 2018 February 28 the game is officially one of the top 10 games with the longest development...
I think it is just 7 or 8 pre composed alpha images with different color tints applied randomly to each star system. I don't think the skybox texture itself is actually procedurally generated. Not sure on this but this is what i would guess from what I've observed. I don't think the actual true...
Sometimes there is one mid month sometimes only in 1 and a half or 2 months but it is around monthly on average. Since they are doing it a bit unprofessionally you have to put up with it. This game has been in development for more than 6 years now. If anything you definitely need patience when...
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