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    1. C

      Is there any plugin to limit ship size on Servers

      Title says it all, or am i missing a line in the config?
    2. C

      Whats WRONG with the Community???

      Ok, it hought long and hard about this post. Usually im like "meh, there will be stupid replies, noone reads long posts anyway, blabla". But I like Starmade too much to "simply let it go" like I usually do. This Community is BAD. Its the worst ive ever seen in a Sandbox game. Why? Well...
    3. C

      How to Mod the Trading Guild Stations / default Shops?

      Title says it all, is there any way to Mod the default Shops (aka replace with own constructions) and the Trading Guild Stations? Modding as in "works like any other shop, just is a different construction". I dont like the standard shops. I want all features of the Shops (connected to trading...
    4. C

      [DE] MTX-Universe

      Der MTX-Universe Relaunch im Starmade-Universum. Vanilla-server von (relativen) Starmade-Neueinsteigern für Neueinsteiger. Dedicated Linux-Server, derzeit performant genug, wenn genügend Leute kommen besteht die Möglichkeit für ein Upgrade. TS ist erwünscht, RP ebenso. Whitelist-Server, bitte im...
    5. C

      Target Lock Missile Turret not working

      I seem to be unable to build a Target Lock Missile Turret (Missile+Damage-Beam) The Turret is a pretty standart 2-Axis turret with Bobby AI. The AI seems to be unable to du anything with the Missilies. The Turret is either pointing straight upward or on my ship and does nothing. If I unslave...
    6. C

      Bug Whitelist Trouble

      Im having trouble setting up the Whitelist for a Server. With only one or two account on the Whitelist everything seems to be working normal. If i add more I cant connect with any of them anymore... PEBKAC or Bug?