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    1. TheGT

      Since I Can't Keelhaul People I Don't Like...

      Ships of the frontier have always ended up creating some form of execution for traitors. In the day's of pirates and wooden tall ships, it was having the traitor be keelhauled by dragging them along the barnacles under the ship. In The Expanse, the threat of getting spaced and thrown out the...
    2. TheGT

      What have people done with the now display block functionality?

      I'm sure we've all played around with it a little bit after this recent update. What have you made? Status screens, movie theaters, the entirety of star wars done in asciimation STAR WARS ASCIIMATION - Main Page?
    3. TheGT

      Reverse FP as default config option

      Does what it says on the tin, makes reverse FP a default config option.
    4. TheGT

      Transporter radar ping and more versatile boarding

      Simple, as a transporter is activated, It will generate a navigation item which, once the ship's shields are down, can be transported to. This would have all the downfalls of transporting to an allied ship, (i.e. no shields for a period of time) but could allow you to place boarders on an enemy...