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    1. A

      How to ZOOM IN

      Hi this may be a super noob question, but how do i zoom in while aiming my superheavy 40x40 laser cannon to hit that enemy ship that is 3km away accurately? I've searched forum and google with no results...
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      Long range Direct Fire

      Ive been testing some things out and so far i have found that for long range shooting beam weapons are horrible. even at just 1000 range a beam+beam gun rarely hits a moving target successfully while canon+beam guns can hit moving isanth at over 2k with decent reliability. is it just that i...
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      Punch Through Module -> no effect

      so far i have been testing things out and have found that the punch through module has no real effect on guns i think it was a change to damage model or something but all guns already punch through without the module being added on tested vs 5 layer armor blocks using cannons/lasers
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      NOT BUG: Logic Based Firing controlls

      re-post from logic (accidentally put it there) I made a logic based firing control to fire 5 beams in a series and discovered a really annoying bug with using logic to activate the beam computers. the system is fairly simple: 1. clock timer (>- activation - delay x3 - NOT -<) 2. counter...
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      Using Flip Flops 101

      I made a logic based firing control to fire 5 beams in a series and discovered a FEATURE with using logic to activate the beam computers. the system is fairly simple: 1. clock timer (>- activation - delay x3 - NOT -<) 2. counter incremented by clock ( clock(1) -> FlipFlop x3 ) each FlipFlop...