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    1. Jeryia

      Starmade design versioning

      Howdy! I've been looking at my catalog of the various stuff I've built in starmade and been finding my methods of organizing them in terms of version related to starmade's changes has been pretty aweful. So I've been putting thought into making a new versioning system. As systems design doesn't...
    2. Jeryia

      Expanse: Truman Class

      Howdy, The content section is lacking in ships from the expanse, so I figured I'd build one :D. Been working on building a Truman Class Dreadnaught form the Expanse. I'd say it's about 95% complete, currently trying to fix the elevator, and doing looking through everything to ensure it's all...
    3. Jeryia

      AI vs fighters

      I've been playing around for a bit with trying to build AI craft that can destroy fighter class vessels such as the Isanth. So far my testing has not gone well... I'm using the default settings for the server settings aside from a larger build area and larger sector size with weapons set to not...
    4. Jeryia

      Overheat log message change

      Howdy, I usually don't ask these sorts of things, but as I think this is likely easy to implement. Currently the log message for overheating ships does not tell you which ship is overheating. Just that the overheat timer has started. Could you add some form of identifier to the message so that...
    5. Jeryia

      Building a living universe

      I've slowly been working on a server setup using StarD's plugins and StarMade's already existing features to build out a more living universe. The hope is to offer a more living breathing universe full of quests, shops, and storyline based around a few npc factions. More details on the plans are...
    6. Jeryia

      StarD - server side wrapper/plugin manager

      StarD Current Version: Alpha 0.3.6 Purpose: StarD is a starmade server manager intended to function to enhance the functionality of that server through the use of plugins along with general server management. The goal is to bring tools to server administrators that allow for easy adding and...
    7. Jeryia

      Ares mod

      Ares mod What is the Ares mod? Ares is intended to offer a battleground where 2 factions fight over control points for resources, and in the end destroy their opponent's base. This battleground only lasts for a short period of time (basically as long as it takes for one faction to win); once...