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    1. D


      Is there anyway to extend the range of id beyond 2048 in the file? simply extending the file to have numbers beyond that causes parser exceptions. Currently in my blocktypes all 2048 slots are in use via other blocks. If their is no way to extend the range beyond 2048...
    2. D

      Suggestion : Mod structure support

      Okay, I know many people have posted comments asking about when starmade will have mod support. well the answer is actually it already does, however it requires modding the core game files. so instead of posting a a question about when the mod support will be added, i am making a post suggesting...
    3. D

      block editor class pR

      when using the block editor and selecting any block in the list, i get a critical error with the following message. IllegalAccessException: Class pR can not access a member of class with modifiers "private" to get information about a...