Suggestion : Mod structure support

    Oct 11, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Okay, I know many people have posted comments asking about when starmade will have mod support. well the answer is actually it already does, however it requires modding the core game files. so instead of posting a a question about when the mod support will be added, i am making a post suggesting a way on how to impliment mod structures.

    when I say mod structures i do not mean buildings, but i mean more on the folder structure of starmade. currently in order to add custom blocks to the game you have to edit at least 2 of the core games config files. many servers do this but not all client's are comfortable with this as a error can make the game unplayable. So my suggestion is this, a Mods folder. imagine this setup

    Starmade\Mods\Mod name or author\modstructure

    Example of this would be Starmade\Mods\drats666 mods\