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      The BlackDawn Clan wants YOU! [always recruiting] [engineering & militairy]

      *Username: acelenny *Age: 16 *Country: UK *Rank: (A level 1 rank please): Engineer *Experience: (some info about what you’re good at in starmade): I don\'t have a massive amount of experience but I have experimented quite a bit. Below is the ship I\'m working on atm (hence the weird bits...
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      EndOfHumanity [10 slots] [Heavy Roleplay] [Whitelist Only] [100K Starting credits] [Unlimited bluepr

      Character Name: acelenny Age: 25 Bio: acelenny was born to piratical parents pilaging inncoent trade ships throughout the galaxy. When they were executed for their crimes by bounty hunter, he was rescued and raised in an orphanage whre he developed a healthy respect for law and order. Today...
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      The Covenant Empire

      Would any of the covenant happen to have found a ship called the UGSC_Orbital_Assault, it has gone missing myseteriously and towerbuilder has a reputationf for this.
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      General Game Issues [Not Bugs]

      The power bar in ship build mode does not respond to how much power I actually have, it drains constantly but my shields and guns are not affected at all.
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      Quick maths question

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      Quick maths question

      Just wondering if anyone who know about this sort of thing can tell me how many power blocks Iwould need for 1600 AMCs and maybe 2000 or so shield blocks.
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      United Gaming Space Command [Halo Military Faction]

      On saturday I was one version ahead as the event was meant to start and I could not find the link about how to go back to the previous version
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      United Gaming Space Command [Halo Military Faction]

      I keep trying to get oon the server for a boot vamp so that I can know what to do but every time I seem to be 1 version ahead.
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      United Gaming Space Command [Halo Military Faction]

      I meant the city
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      United Gaming Space Command [Halo Military Faction]

      We know what the covenant do to prisoners.
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      United Gaming Space Command [Halo Military Faction]

      Its a shame that you can\'t set turrets to fire on a proximity sensor.
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      United Gaming Space Command [Halo Military Faction]

      How about some turrets with a single thruster to allow them to rotate, they could just be detached and then reattached when needed or left as a permenant defenese. Plus, you could do a mixture for fighters and larger ships quite easily.
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      United Gaming Space Command [Halo Military Faction]

      Could I please be Pm\'d the co-ord for the new base.
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      United Gaming Space Command [Halo Military Faction]

      Check oput the conglomerate pag they have salaries up there
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      United Gaming Space Command [Halo Military Faction]

      I guess that my LOA message is now irrelevant. So much for planning ahead.
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      Hey there, I can;t join now because I\'m in the UGSC but if that doesn\'t work out this is my next choice!